Goal: To diminish occurrences of pregnancy, HIV, and STIs among high-risk youth aged 10 to 19 (up to 21 for those who are pregnant and/or parenting) in Georgia
Funding: State of Georgia PREP Funding
Setting: Public High School Setting
Curriculum: Love Notes 4.0

Goal: Prevention of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and STD/HIV infections in teens and young adults.
Funding: SAMHSA Prevention Navigator
Setting: High Schools
Curriculum: Love Notes

Goal: Positive Youth Development
Funding: PREP Funding
Setting: School, AVID
Curriculum: Love Notes

Goal: Strengthen connections between incarcerated and their families
Funding: State funds and private donations
Setting: Prisons
Curriculum: Love Notes

Goal: Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Funding: Hospital Community Engagement Program
Setting: High School, FCS Classrooms
Curriculum: Love Notes 3.0 and Love Notes SRA

Goal: Prevent Domestic Violence
Funding: Private Donations/Grants
Setting: Middle and High School Classrooms
Curriculum: Love Notes 3.0

Goal: Increase awareness of relationship impact on mental health
Funding: Medicaid group therapy billing
Setting: Program offices
Curriculum: Love Notes

Goal: Develop leadership and employability skills
Funding: Office of Family Assistance
Setting: Job Corp Leadership Class
Curriculum: Love Notes and Money Habitudes

Goal: Increase awareness of healthy relationships
Funding: CalWorks campus funds
Setting: Campus
Curriculum: Love Notes