Looking for more ways to grow the skills of your team? The Dibble Institute® is pleased to offer Continuing Education Credits through R. Cassidy Seminars for a series of our most popular and impactful webinars. We currently offer two different professional development series grouped into topics you can use:
Violence Prevention $20
Trauma-Informed Approaches $20
How it Works
Violence Prevention Series
Description: In this session, topics such as defining a relationship, the different types of violence and their red flags, breaking up, and goal setting for healthy relationships currently and in the future, will be covered. As educators, program managers, counselors, and others who work in youth setting, would benefit from this information because they will learn how to develop partnerships in various youth settings and how to appropriately deliver material within those settings.
Best for: Educators, Facilitators, Extension Agents, Counselors, etc.
Participants will be able to:
- Identify factors that increase/decrease adolescent risk of dating violence and help promote posttraumatic growth and resilience in adolescents’ romantic relationships.
- Develop a sustainable school and community partnership to deliver relationship education and evaluate program outcomes.
- Choose curriculum designed for their youth audience to help them develop healthy social and emotional skills.
Teen Relationships Matter: Research and Practice with Relationship Smarts PLUS in Georgia
Session Handouts
Preventing Dating Violence by Helping Students Choose Healthy Relationships and Build Social/Emotional Skills
Session Handouts
- PowerPoint Slides Presentation
- WIN Case Study using Love Notes
- Parent Intro Letter to Respect to Win Program
- Respect 2 WIN Pre- and Post-Survey Respect 2 WIN Teacher Evaluation
- Respect 2 WIN Teen Dating Violence Program Letter for Principals
- Respect 2 WIN Worksheets Session 3 Trusted Adult Connection
- Social Perspectives Lessons Overview
- Social Perspectives Parents Letter – Heritage Christian Academy – January 2021
- Social Perspectives Pre-Survey for 8th Grade – Lessons 1 and 6-9
- Teen Dating Violence Prevention Program Objectives
- Too Good for Violence Curriculum Letter for Principals and Counselors
CE Credits
Continuing Education Credits are available for purchase at the following link with R. Cassidy Seminars. Follow the link below to purchase the assessment and certificate for the course from R. Cassidy Seminars.
Trauma-Informed Approaches Series
Description: This series will define trauma, introduce topics such as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), the instant and delayed responses of ACEs, and a harm reduction framework. Presenters will also demonstrate self-soothing techniques and allot time for practice. Those who work within youth settings, especially educators, facilitators, and counselors, will find this series and the techniques to be very useful not only for the youth they serve, but also their personal development.
Best for: Educators, Facilitators, Extension Agents, Counselors, Project Managers, Runaway and Homeless Youth Workers, etc.
Participants will be able to:
- Connect the key concept of self-soothing to positive outcomes in life with self-soothing skills practice.
- Examine the role of resiliency, the importance of changing behaviors, and the benefits and challenges that may come with learning to recover from life altering obstacles.
- Identify Adverse Childhood Experiences and effects of trauma.
Relationship Education: A Trauma-Informed Approach for Youth
Session Handouts
Improving Young People’s Outcome through Harm Reduction and Resiliency Work
CE Credits
Continuing Education Credits are available for purchase at the following link with R. Cassidy Seminars. Follow the link below to purchase the assessment and certificate for the course from R. Cassidy Seminars.
Mind Matters Now
Description:Mind Matters Now is an on-demand learning experience that teaches the content of our Mind Matters curriculum. These self-directed, online lessons are available in the full 12-lesson series or in three shorter 4-lesson series.
Best for: Educators, Facilitators, Extension Agents, Counselors, etc.
Lesson 1-12
CE Credits
Continuing Education Credits are available for purchase. Follow the link below to purchase the assessment and certificate for the course from R. Cassidy Seminars.