Below you will find a list of official reports on topics related to healthy relationship education:
- The Effects of Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Programs for Youth
- Youth Focused Relationship Education: Helping Georgia’s Youth Become Relationship Smart
- Against All Odds: the Dating Experiences of Adolescent Lesbian and Bisexual Women
- The Association between Sexual Health and Physical, Mental, and Social Health in Adolescent Women
- The Best Is Always Yet to Come”: Relationship Stages and Processes Among Young LGBT Couples
- Beyond Sex Ed: How to Talk to Teens about Love
- “Is This Normal? Is This Not Normal? There Is No Set Example”: Sexual Health Intervention Preferences of LGBT Youth in Romantic Relationships.
- The Importance of PerspectiveTaking in Healthy Romantic Relationships
- Millennial Success Sequence: Marriage, Kids, and the “Success Sequence” among Young Adults
- Promoting Self-Regulation in Adolescents and Young Adults
- Promoting Social and Emotional Learning in the Middle and High School Years
- Relationship Education and Teen Pregnancy Prevention: What’s the Connection?
- Relationships Matter: Strengthening Vulnerable Youth
- School of Thought: Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Matters to Our Youth
- Shifting the Relationship Education Field to Prioritize Youth Relationship Education
- TECHsex Youth Sexuality and Health Online
- Teens, Technology and Romantic Relationships
- The Talk 2017: a Harvard Study – How Adults Can Promote Young People’s Healthy Relationships and Prevent Misogyny and Sexual Harassment
- Aggression in Twentysomethings’ Relationships
- How Healthy Relationship Programs May Influence Intimate Partner Violence
- Human Trafficking Prevention
- New report finds LGB youth experience more violence
- Quantitative Analysis of Beliefs About Sexual Consent Among High School Students
- STOP SV: A Technical Package to Prevent Sexual Violence
- Hard Thinking on Soft Skills
- Relationships Come First: How Four Career Development and Workforce Readiness Programs Prepare Young People for Work and Life
- Relationships Matter: Strengthening Vulnerable Youth
- Skills Development to Improve Employment Success
- Soft Skills for Workforce Success
- YOU’RE HIRED! The Skills Employers Seek in New Hires
Marriage, Divorce, and Cohabitation
- Assessing the Success Sequence
- Rebalancing Children First
- Building a Happy Home: Marriage Education as a Tool to Strengthen Families
- Are We Still Married? Family Structure and Family Policy
- Children Benefit When Parents Have Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships
- Father Factor Brief
- For Richer, for Poorer
- iFidelity: Interactive Technology and Relationship Faithfulness
- Marriage and Cohabitation in the U.S.
- The Disparate Effects of Family Structure
- The Millennial Success Sequence
- Trends in Relationship Formation and Stability in the United States
- Valuing All Our Families
- Co-Regulation as a Framework for Promoting Positive Development for Youth with Foster Care Experience
- New Series of Practice Briefs for Implementing Co-Regulation Strategies in Youth-Serving HMRE Programs
- Self-Regulation Training Approaches and Resources
- The Future of Children: Social and Emotional Learning
- Promoting Positive Adolescent Health Behaviors and Outcomes: Thriving in the 21st Century
- Promoting Social and Emotional Learning in the Middle and High School Years

Here you will find recent news articles in the field of relationships, sorted by topic:
Research Topics