Search Results "Teen dating"

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What Teens Should Consider in Romantic Relationships Teen Dating Violence Resources Healthy Relationships in Adolescence Act Youth Network – All4You! AMAZE – Disability, Relationships, and Sexuality Am I in a Healthy Relationship? Annie Fox/Hey Terra! Domestic Violence Prevention Programs Hooking Up and Staying Hooked How to Test Your Relationship Without Moving In Together Relationship Trust Quiz Resources to Prevent Teen Dating Violence Resources to Address Student Trauma Resources for Social and Emotional Learning Resources for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Resources to Support LGBTQ+ Youth Resources for Suicide Prevention Resources for Foster Youth Resources for Going Back to School Sexting Advice For Teens Soluna: California’s Mental Health App Teen Dating Violence Prevention Programs Teen Relationships: Dating, Sexting, Cyberbullying & More Warning Signs of Teen Violence Emotional Well-Being and Coping During Crises The Science of Synchronized Movement Connections Matter Academy Yale’s Hugely Popular Happiness Course Is Revamped for Teens Stress…

WEBINAR: Lopsided Love: Asymmetrical Commitment in Romantic Relationships

Lopsided Love: Asymmetrical Commitment in Romantic Relationships One of the greatest insights on lopsided commitment came from sociologist Willard Waller in 1936, when he described the “principle of least interest,” defined in this way: “That person is able to dictate the conditions of association whose interest in the continuation of the affair is least.’’ Analogously, the person who is most committed has the least power in a relationship. There is a growing and robust literature on asymmetrical commitment, with studies showing that it is associated not only with poor relationship dynamics but also specific personal characteristics such as attachment difficulties. Dr. Scott Stanley and Dr. Galena Rhoades have published numerous papers on this topic. In this talk, they will describe what’s up with lopsided love. Objectives: Participants will: Learn about the nature and consequences of asymmetrically committed romantic relationships regarding relationship quality, relationship stability, and risks for aggression. Be able…

Georgia State PREP Case Study

Goal: To diminish occurrences of pregnancy, HIV, and STIs among high-risk youth aged 10 to 19 (up to 21 for those who are pregnant and/or parenting) in Georgia
Funding: State of Georgia PREP Funding
Setting: Public High School Setting
Curriculum: Love Notes 4.0

RQ3SRA IM Spanish Cover
Relaciones Inteligentes Plus 4.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA) – Kit del instructor

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13 lecciones para adolescentes sobre el amor y el romance

Edades: 12-16 años
Escrito Por: Marline E. Pearson, MA
Duración del programa: 13 lecciones

Relaciones Inteligentes Plus 4.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA) ofrece 13 lecciones con conceptos como atracción y enamoramiento, elementos básicos para relaciones saludables, estrategias de citas de bajo riesgo, medición de la salud de las relaciones, la naturaleza de la verdadera intimidad y ruptura. El programa también ofrece un enfoque único para la prevención del embarazo al crear conciencia sobre su impacto en los niños. Also available in English.

Visite la descripción general del programa Relaciones Inteligentes Plus 4.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA), para obtener más información sobre el programa, incluido un resumen del curso, lecciones de muestra, investigaciones y evaluaciones, etc.

Relaciones Inteligentes Plus 4.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA) – Kit del instructor incluye:

  • Manual del instructor
  • Libro de trabajo del participante
  • Folletos reproducibles
  • Recursos de actividades reproducibles
  • Power Points de lecciones descargables
  • Tarjetas de juego listas para usar

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Relationship Smarts PLUS 4.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA) – Instructor Kit (Spanish)

This is a special order item. To Order, call 1-800-695-7975 or email

13 Lessons for Teens About Love and Romance

Marline Pearson, MA
Length: 13 lessons
Ages: 12-16 years

Relationship Smarts Plus SRA, an adaptation of the evidence-based Relationship Smarts Plus 4.0 Classic, appeals to teenager’s aspirations and is geared for vulnerable teens to help young teens resist sexual coercion, assert their intentions, and develop plans for their future. The curriculum has a strong and consistent message on sexual delay and emphasizes the Success Sequence to reduce the chance of future poverty. Also available in English.

For more information on Relationship Smarts Plus 4.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA), including a course outline, sample lesson, research and evaluations, and more, please visit the Relationship Smarts Plus 4.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA) program overview.

Relationship Smarts Plus 4.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA) – Instructor’s Kit includes:

  • Instructor’s Manual
  • Participant Journal
  • Reproducible Handouts
  • Reproducible Activity Resources
  • Downloadable Lesson Power Points
  • Ready-to-Use Game Cards

To review the Table of Contents, click here.

WEBINAR: Three Years Later: The Impact of Relationship Smarts Plus on Youth in Georgia

What happens when you teach teens to navigate their romantic relationships? Is there a difference between boys and girls? Does dose or content matter? Join Drs. Alamillo and Doran of Mathematica as they share the insights of a randomized study of Georgia students who participated in two versions of the Relationship Smarts PLUS program. They will discuss the impact on students’ relationship skills, attitudes, knowledge, experiences, and the quality of their relationships one and three years later. As part of the sustained effort by the Administration for Children and Families to expand available evidence on healthy marriage and relationship education programs, Mathematic and its partner, Public Strategies, conducted the Strengthening Relationship Education and Marriage Services evaluation to help identify strategies for improving the delivery and effectiveness of HMRE programs. (MTCI), near Atlanta, Georgia. MTCI received a federal grant in 2015 to deliver Relationship Smarts PLUS Version 3.0 to youth in high…

WEBINAR: Adolescent and Young Adults’ Relationship Expectations and Experiences

Americans today are increasingly waiting longer to marry, if they marry at all. Are today’s young people no longer interested in forming families? What types of relationships they are experiencing? Explore research on young people’s attitudes toward relationship formation, their dating and romantic relationships, and the quality of their relationships in this webinar. Program providers will better meet the needs of the youth they serve by placing their participants’ experiences within broader U.S. trends. In this webinar, Drs. Karen Benjamin Guzzo and Wendy D. Manning will discuss preliminary findings of new work from the Marriage Strengthening and Research Dissemination (MAST) Center on adolescents’ and young adults’ relationship expectations and experiences, drawing on a review of recent research as well as new analyses of the National Survey of Family Growth. Objectives: Webinar participants will understand: Teens’ and young adults’ expectations of cohabitation and marriage. Recent trends in dating and other romantic…

WEBINAR: Sliding vs. Deciding: Commitment, Ambiguity, and Relationship Formation

From hooking up, to living together, to bearing children prior to clarity about having a future together, relationship and family development has changed. New paradigms have important implications for how we understand the romantic and sexual relationships of young adults. Ambiguity is a preferred condition of relationships for many, which makes it easier to finesse intentions and hide asymmetrical commitment. However, this new relationship paradigm can lead to a person losing life options before making a clear choice about what they want the most. In this webinar, Scott Stanley, Ph.D. will explain the ways motivated ambiguity intersects with types of commitment (e.g., constraint and dedication) to impact mate selection and lasting love. Some themes include the role of commitment in securing attachment, asymmetrical commitment, and research on how common types of relationship transitions can impact long-term outcomes. Objectives: Webinar participants will be able to: Understand how teen and early adulthood…

arkansas children
Hospital Case Study

Goal: Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Funding: Hospital Community Engagement Program
Setting: High School, FCS Classrooms
Curriculum: Love Notes 3.0 and Love Notes SRA