Dramatic Increase in the Proportion of Births Outside of Marriage in the United States form 1990 to 2016.
New analyses by Child Trends indicate that the likelihood that a child will be born to unmarried parents varies substantially by the mother’s current education level and by her race and ethnicity. (2018)
Half of 20-to 29-year-Old Women Who Gave Birth in their Teens Have a High School Diploma
Young adults from 20 to 29 years of age who gave birth in their teenage years are less likely to hold a high school diploma or GED. 53 percent of young women who gave birth as teens received a high school diploma compared with 90 percent of those who did not. (2018)
Examination of Agression and Study Skills from Middle to High School: Implications for Dropout Prevention
Students who were identified in the high-aggression/low-study-skills group had a 50% dropout rate compared to students with low aggression and high study skills who had a dropout rate of less than 2%. The results highlight the importance of early interventions that combine academic enhancement and behavioral management for reducing school dropout rates. (2018)