Utilizing Mind Matters in High School
Organization: Cody High School, Cody, WY
Location of Instruction: Rural high school in Cody, Wyoming
Length of Instruction: All lessons are covered at a rate of one lesson per week, with daily reviews through the rest of the week. The program is completed over 3–4 months.
Class Size: 25–30 Students
Target Audience: High school students
Audience Demographics: Rural; Caucasian; Male and Female; Grades 9-12
What Problem is Being Solved? Healing early adverse experiences in students and addressing general trauma in schools
Challenges? The teacher was concerned about students with trauma, and consulted a school psychologist. The teacher keeps an eye on potentially vulnerable students during class and can refer them to the psychologist.
Funding: Healthy Marriage and Relationships through Strong Families Strong, Wyoming
Curricula Used: Mind Matters
Curricula Benefits: The curriculum is written for lay people. Any teacher can pick it up and use it with their students.
Instructor: Patty Brus—Family and Consumer Sciences; Health; Coach
Student Workbooks: Every student keeps their own journal
Unique Implementation: The teacher uses the program in Health classes and Food Service class as an employability skills tool. Her classes watch the whole film, “Inside Out,” instead of just clips. This teacher led other health teachers and coaches at State Teachers Conference through several tools.
Observable Outcomes: The students love it and ask for more. The program supports students on athletic teams who have to concentrate.
Tips for Others: The teacher continues to refer to lessons as she goes through content through the rest of the academic year. For instance, “When in an emergency first aid situation, how can these tools help you?”
“Don’t be afraid – You (teachers) can do this easily to really help your students and communities.”