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Second Wednesday Webinar

July 10, 2024

Making Relationship Programs More Inclusive For LGBTQ+ Youth:
Findings From the FRAMING Research Project

The number of young people in the United States who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning (LGBTQ+) has increased substantially in recent years. Although the topics addressed in healthy marriage and relationship education (HMRE) programs tend to be applicable to young people of any gender who are interested in both heterosexual and non-heterosexual relationships, few programs explicitly address these topics from the LGBTQ+ perspective.

Join us as we discuss common challenges HMRE programs face related to serving LGBTQ+ youth and promising strategies for making HMRE programs more inclusive for this population.


Mind Matters Shine in Arizona!

Dibble client, Arizona Youth Partnership (AZYP), is using Mind Matters in two unique prevention settings.

With funding from Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (healthcare), AZYP is using Mind Matters with school-aged youth at risk for substance use or misuse. AZYP is using their own staff to reach 8th grade students in health classes across the state.

With funding from the Arizona Title II Formula Grant (juvenile justice), AZYP is using Mind Matters with youth in mandatory probation classes and other settings as a primary and secondary prevention strategy for justice system involvement.

Thank you, AZYP, for the impact you are making on youth in Arizona!

(Ed. Note: Our June webinar will feature AZYP focusing on their Title II project.)

What New Love Does To The Brain

Roses are red, violets are blue. Romance can really mess with you.

Scientists have studied what is happening in our brains when we are in those early, heady days of infatuation, and whether it can actually alter how we think and what we do. Their findings suggest that song lyrics and dramatic plotlines don’t overstate it: New love can mess with our heads.

Significant Improvements to Federal Grants Rules zfor Charitable Nonprofits

The federal Office of Management and Budget has announced major reforms to the Uniform Guidance, the set of common rules governing most federal grantmaking to charitable nonprofits. The reforms correct longstanding challenges in the government grants process that have limited nonprofit effectiveness, discouraged qualified organizations from seeking and performing under federal grants, and wasted billions of dollars and countless hours in needlessly complex reporting requirements.

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Healthy Relationships for 'Tweens

Dibble uses a positive youth development framework to prepare fifth and sixth graders for healthy relationships.

Healthy Relationships for Younger Teens

Dibble works with younger teens to teach them healthy relationship skills early in their lives.

Healthy Relationships for Older Teens & Young Adults

Dibble’s materials teach teens and young adults how to be successful in friendships, dating, and love.

Approaches to Addressing Trauma
Dibble’s curriculum helps people of all ages take charge of their emotions and improve their states of minds and relationships.

Case Studies