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Second Wednesday Webinar

August 14, 2024

Results From a Recent Investigation of Love Notes

Join Dr. Scott Crapo from Utah State University as he delves into recent research on the multifaceted, positive impacts of Love Notes.

Love Notes aims to achieve a wide array of outcomes beyond reducing sexual risk-taking, yet limited research has explored its effectiveness in reaching broader learning objectives. Given the significant association between healthy adolescent dating relationships and both current and future outcomes, it is crucial to understand how Love Notes influences youths’ general approach to relationships, particularly across diverse contexts.

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The Crisis of Romantic Knowledge!

Most crises of knowledge stem from lack of information. The current crisis of romantic knowledge stems from the opposite reason: too much information. The abundance of romantic information is the main reason for this crisis, making the romantic realm more complex, diverse and flexible than ever.

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Celibacy is in- Just Ask Lenny Kravitz, Julia Fox, and Gen Z

Young people and celebrities including Julia Fox and Lenny Kravitz are swearing off sex. It could be a good thing, an expert said.

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Teen Brains Get a Closer Look in ‘Inside Out 2.’ Here is What We Can Learn

There is so much going on inside a teenage brain that Disney’s Pixar subsidiary made a whole move about it. Adults can often bemoan the challenges of raising a teenager, but research has shown that if you expect the worst, you will get it.

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Healthy Relationships for 'Tweens

Dibble uses a positive youth development framework to prepare fifth and sixth graders for healthy relationships.

Healthy Relationships for Younger Teens

Dibble works with younger teens to teach them healthy relationship skills early in their lives.

Healthy Relationships for Older Teens & Young Adults

Dibble’s materials teach teens and young adults how to be successful in friendships, dating, and love.

Approaches to Addressing Trauma
Dibble’s curriculum helps people of all ages take charge of their emotions and improve their states of minds and relationships.

Case Studies