New and proven ways to teach teens and young adults about healthy relationships and romance.
The Dibble Institute® is a national, independent 501(c)3 nonprofit that promotes relationship training for youth—especially in the context of interpersonal and romantic connections. Our goal is to empower youth and young adults with skills to successfully build and sustain their relationships that will build a foundation for healthy romantic relationships now, and for lasting, positive family environments in the future.
We do this by:
- Developing research-based teaching materials for schools and other youth settings;
- Educating opinion leaders and policy makers on the need for and value of relationship education;
- Serving as a clearinghouse for the field via our newsletter, ongoing webinar series, and website;
- Training teachers and program facilitators; and
- Consulting on content implementation and grant proposals.
Dibble has received extensive professional recognition for our efforts in youth relationship education.
Our teaching materials are used nationwide in classrooms, social agencies, community groups, and other youth settings.
Our programs have been recognized and promoted at the national, state, and local county levels for their impact on key target areas for adolescent and young adult-focused populations.

Empowering youth and young adults with skills to build and sustain healthy interpersonal and romantic relationships.
We strive for a world where more young people are making healthy relationship choices and more children are being raised in safe, stable, and nurturing families.
At The Dibble Institute®, we:
Believe in the power of relationships.
- We utilize a strengths-based approach and an equity lens in our relationships and work.
- We build strong relationships with clients, partners, contractors, vendors, and staff.
Seek excellence.
- We strive to be the best in all that we do.
- We hold ourselves and each other to the highest standards.
- We are dedicated to continuous quality improvement.
- We use research as the basis of our work.
Exist to serve and to lead.
- We focus on the needs of young people and those who reach them.
- We strive to do the greatest good for the greatest number of young people.
- We positively impact society through our leadership.
- We make decisions in consideration of our mission and margin.
As a non-profit curriculum publisher, we support organizations with:
- Best practices, research-based curricula
- Professional training
- Connections to funding opportunities
- Ongoing technical assistance
Board of Directors
The Dibble Institute®, a 501(c)3 educational charity, is governed by an independent Board of Directors.
President and Executive Director
Kay Reed
Kay Reed at Dibble Institute dot org (this is to avoid the auto spam)
The Dibble Institute®
Vice President
PT McEwen
Non-Profit Consultant
S. Bruce Wick
Director of Risk Management
California Professional Association of Specialty Contractors
David Maupin
Maupin Financial Services
Kim Clark, Ph.D.
Professor (ret.)
San Bernardino State University
Robert Denham, Ph.D.
Dean, School of Education (ret.)
University of Redlands
Charlene Hall
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Richard J. Hickey
Co-Founder & CFO
Global Mountain, Inc.
Judy Johnson, Ed.D., LEP, ABSNP
Assistant Professor, Program Coordinator, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) Program
Azusa Pacific University
The Dibble Institute’s Professional Team
Kay Reed
Executive Director
Rachel Savasuk-Luxton, Ph.D.
Director of Research and Training
Aaron Larson
Director of Programs
Jo Anne Eason
National Outreach Coordinator
Carlie Kaeppler M.S.
Training and Research Coordinator
Jonelle Zachary
Outreach Coordinator and Training Specialist
Caleb Cook
Outreach Educator and Training Specialist
Hannah Yuster
Client Services Coordinator
Kim Krauth
Operations Coordinator
Esther Barton
Operations Consultant
Harmony Jacobson
Administrative Assistant
Tasia Hadiwibowo
Administrative Assistant
Emma Westbury
Outreach Assistant
- Caleb Cook
- Dixie Hirschi
- Guillermo Pichardo
- Janet Pozmantier, MA
- John Lewis
- Jonelle Zachary
- Melanie Behrends
The Dibble Institute® was founded by Charles Dibble in 1996. For more than 40 years Charles Dibble enjoyed professional success and recognition as a designer of aircraft engines. After “retiring” in the late 1960’s, Dibble turned his creativity to another challenge – organizing community programs for young people, especially those that could build self-esteem and confidence.
In the late 1980’s, on the wedding day of his grand niece, Dibble’s true legacy began to take shape. As he chatted briefly with the young bride, she reassured him, “Don’t worry Uncle Charlie. It’s just my first marriage.” But “Charlie” was very concerned. He was troubled by how his young relative envisioned marriage, and by the suffering he had witnessed in his other young friends as a consequence of divorce.
Dibble decided to spend his last years helping young people learn the skills necessary for successful marriages.
“We will develop and implement educational programs to provide high school and college students with an understanding of the components of a successful marriage, and to help them prepare for such a relationship. There is exciting work being done in the field, but it is scattered and not organized to be generally useful to educators or parents. We recognize that it will take dedicated work to find and support those who have talent to contribute. We have established the Dibble Institute® for Marriage Education to carry on when I can no longer contribute.”
Today, The Dibble Institute® is privileged to continue the work of such a loving and far-sighted philanthropist.
Since our founding in 1996, Dibble has spearheaded efforts to build awareness and utilization of relationship skills programs for youth. Some of our accomplishments from the last few years include:
Relational Health is Sexual Health—Why Our Schools Must Teach Both (2025)
Imagining a world in which relationship education is required learning for our junior high and high school students.
(Ed. Note: We couldn’t have said it better!)
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review
July 2023
Since 2009, HHS has sponsored a systematic review of research on teen pregnancy prevention to identify programs with evidence of effectiveness. In July 2023, the TPP Evidence Review website was updated to incorporate the newest findings in the Program database and Study database. The review team assessed studies for 18 newly identified programs and assessed new studies for seven programs that were previously reviewed.
New Studies Confirm Relationship Skills Education as a Powerful Tool in Preventing Teen Pregnancy
Berkeley, CA –Just in time for Pregnancy Prevention Month in May, results of a three-year randomized control trial (RCT) of Relationship Smarts PLUS (RSP) with students in Georgia were recently released by the Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation, part of the Administration for Children and Families.
Significant findings from the study found at three years post instruction:
- Girls in the control group were almost two times more likely to have sex without a condom compared to the girls in the RSP group.
- Girls in the RSP group were almost two and a half times less likely to be in an unhealthy relationship than the control group
Additionally, one-year post instruction results of an RCT of Love Notes at the University of Louisville were published in the journal Family Relations. The researchers found that 12 months after completing the program young people from the Love Notes intervention were 46% less likely to become pregnant or cause a pregnancy compared to the control group. They were also 42% less likely to become pregnant or cause a pregnancy than the group taking a conventional, health-based pregnancy prevention program.
“At last, the strength of empowering young people with the skills and knowledge to navigate their intimate relationships is clear. Getting smart about your love life is not a “would-like,” it is a “must-do” if we are going to help set young people up for success,” Kay Reed, Executive Director of The Dibble Institute® noted.
Emerging Professionals Practicing Family Science: Reflections of Peer Educators Delivering Relationship Education
This study from the University of Wyoming and Auburn University, examined the experiences of college age peer educators who taught Love Notes to their peers. Themes emerged about personal impacts such as the application of program content to their own relationships.
The Longer-Term Impacts of Relationship Smarts PLUS
The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation has released a report on a random control trial conducted by Mathematica on the three-year outcomes of the Relationships Smarts PLUS v 3.0 (RSP) curriculum delivered in Georgia 9th grade health classes. According to the study, at three years post instruction:
- Girls in the control group were almost two times more likely to have sex without a condom compared to the girls in the RSP group.
- Girls in the RSP group were almost two and a half times less likely to be in an unhealthy relationship (defined as their partner has tried to keep them from seeing friends, their partner has made them feel stupid, they have felt their partner might hurt them) than the control group
Impact of Love Notes on Teen Pregnancy Prevention
In a federally funded random control trial utilizing Reducing the Risk and Love Notes, researchers from the University of Louisville found that pregnancies were cut in half 12 months after instruction for youth randomly assigned to Love Notes! Love Notes is a unique program because it actually impacts pregnancy outcomes!
North Carolina Moves Closer to Creating Nation’s First Aces-Informed Courts System
Quintin McGee, a New Hanover County public defender, and Amber Bellamy, a health educator specialist, are using a program called “Love Notes” to work with teens from the Boys and Girls Home in Columbus County. They teach them “relationship smarts and sexual health, and how to make right and informed decisions,” said Bellamy. The 13-week program encourages students to “Dream Big,” and ends with a Dream Big banquet where students tell attendees what their plans and visions are.
Dating Violence Prevention Resource for Parents and Teens
The Dibble Institute® compiled a set of Dating Violence Resources for widespread use with teens and parents. Hennepin Healthcare also shares this resource list with its network to spread awareness.
2022 GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency
The Dibble Institute® earned the Seal by sharing our key metrics and highlighting the difference we are making. Visit our updated GuideStar Profile.
Website provides free, interactive lessons to boost teen mental health
Me & My Emotions is a free website created through a partnership between the nonprofit Dibble Institute in Berkley, California and students at ArtCenter in Pasadena. This report and video from Spectrum News 1 introduces the website and its uses for the public, in schools, and with teenagers.
One-Year Impacts of Relationship Smarts PLUS in Georgia in HMRE Programs
Trained facilitators from More than Conquerors Inc., a nonprofit social service agency near Atlanta, delivered the Relationships Smarts PLUS (RQ+) Version 3.0 curriculum in health classes for primarily 9th grade students. This report documents the study methods and presents program impacts based on follow-up data collected one year after students enrolled in the study.
ACES Champion Carolyn Curtis Brings Healing to Community Networks
Author Carolyn Curtis is recognized by ACEs Connection as an ‘ACES Champion.’ “Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience builds on Carolyn Curtis’s lifetime experience. It is as if she had been predestined to teach people to overcome the adverse experiences in their lives.”
Dibble Materials Now Included in the National Instructional Materials Access Center
All student materials for Love Notes, Relationship Smarts PLUS, and Mind Matters have now full compliant with NIMAC requirements, the national repository of accessible educational materials. This means that students who are differently abled will now gain the benefits of relationship education. Now that Dibble materials are in the NIMAS fileset, the XML and image source files may be used to create not only printed materials, but also screen enlargement, braille, large print, HTML, DAISY talking books using human voice or text-to-speech, audio files derived from text-to-speech transformations, and more.
Dibble Clients Awarded 70 New 2020 Federal Grants!
The Dibble Institute® is thrilled to report that our clients have received over $160 million in new federal funding to reach over 117,806 youth with healthy relationship education. Organizations from 26 states, districts, and territories successfully won grants from the Office of Family Assistance, Office of Population Affairs, Family and Youth Services Bureau, and the Office of Child Support Enforcement.
“We are pleased that healthy relationship education is increasingly recognized as an intervention with youth that can positively impact so many facets of their lives including self-regulation, pregnancy prevention, sexual risk avoidance, and economic mobility,” Kay Reed, Executive Director remarked. “We also applaud the hard work of all who applied but were not selected in this round. We remain committed to working with all applicants to find other funding streams at the federal, state, and local levels to support this critical piece of positive youth development.”
For the full list of funded Dibble clients, click here.
Helping Georgia’s Youth Become Relationship Smart
Developmentally, one of the ways adolescents explore who they are is through romantic relationships. How adolescents approach these relationships is influenced by the relationships modeled around them. While some youth may have witnessed and learned about positive couple interactions from good models, many may have witnessed only poor models of couple relationships. Educational programs on healthy relationships, such as Relationship Smarts, can help youth develop skills to make smart relationship choices and avoid risky behaviors. This publication describes why relationship education is relevant to youth.
Process Study on Relationship Smarts PLUS
For the Strengthening Relationship Education and Marriage Services (STREAMS) evaluation, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), in partnership with Mathematica and Public Strategies, studied healthy marriage and relationship education programs including More Than Conquerors, Inc. in Georgia.
Dating Violence Disclosure in Youth Relationship Programs
The overarching objective of the RIViR study was to assess and compare the effectiveness of teen dating violence (TDV) assessment approaches for identifying youth program participants experiencing TDV so that they can be referred for further services. The RIViR project partnered with two Dibble clients —More Than Conquerors, Inc. of Conyers, Georgia and Youth and Family Services of Rapid City, South Dakota—to examine and compare three different approaches to recognizing and responding to TDV in youth-serving programs.
At this time of uncertainty, it remains crucial that social workers are reminded of the importance of their roles in communities, legislation, and in their profession. This article lists several websites intended to support social workers and other helping professionals emotionally, intellectually, and socially, including The Dibble Institute’s 12-Session Mind Matters Series! They serve as valuable resources to improve practice, gain new therapeutic skills, and promote self-care.
Hope for Healthy Teen Relationships
Information on points out that although “significant declines in teen pregnancies have occurred in all 50 states and among all racial/ethnic groups, yet disparities continue.” “To us and our dedicated partners, HOPE (Health Optimization and Prevention Education) is more than a teen pregnancy prevention program,” said Beulah Greer, CSLC executive director and HOPE’s authorizing official. Greer explained that the two-year HOPE project, using its chosen Love Notes 3.0 evidence-based curriculum by Dibble Institute, looks at the whole youth in terms of developing comprehensive healthy relationships. CSLC HOPE completed implementation of HCCSD 6th-grade participants last fall. It begun this semester’s implementation with the 7th, 8th and 12th-graders until the devastating public health crisis COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the very core of our nation and world, destroying lives and closing businesses and schools.
Dibble’s Curriculum Supports Work with Youth In Canada
The Centre for Life is a non-profit, volunteer-based charity that envisions and promotes a culture where every human life will be acknowledged as having intrinsic value, dignity and worth. Based in Canada, the organization is delivering Dibble’s program Healthy Choices, Healthy Relationships to youth in their community.
Additions to the Dibble Team
Dr. Rachel Savasuk-Luxton, who wrote her Doctorate dissertation on factors associated with dating violence and assessing the impact of youth relationship education on common correlates of adolescent dating violence, is the new Director of Research and Training at Dibble.
Former Director of Education at The Dibble Institute®, Irene Varley, will now be developing relationships with prospective and new clients, as well as contributing to the Editorial process.
In addition, Jo Anne Eason, formerly the Senior Advisor at Public Strategies, Inc., joined the Dibble team to lead National Outreach Efforts, educating organizations with the benefits of teaching Relationship Education.
Love Notes Pilot as New Teen Dating Violence Prevention
Teachers in Harrison School District 2 in Colorado Springs are piloting a new program in partnership with TESSA, a group that provides resources for victims of Domestic Violence. D-2 is teaching middle and high schoolers about teen dating violence using Love Notes as one of their interventions.
Dibble Programs Listed in Colorado School Safety Resource Guide!
Love Notes, Relationship Smarts PLUS, and Mind Matters have been added to the Colorado School Safety Guide. Our programs were included for their content on consent and inclusion of historically oppressed populations, which in the opinion of Colorado public health professionals, is abuse prevention.
Dibble Is A Partner of Share My Lesson
The American Federation of Teachers powers a free lesson-sharing website for educators across the country. Sample Lessons from The Dibble Institute® are free for Download at their site.
Care4U uses Love Notes to Set Up Teens For Success as Adults
Care4U, a federally funded program in partnership with Illinois State University, uses Love Notes to educate high schools on healthy relationship dynamics.
Love Notes Included in Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Sourcebook!
Both Love Notes and Relationship Smarts PLUS are now eligible to be funded by the state.
Relationship Smarts PLUS Evaluated At University of Georgia Extension
From August 30, 2017 to September 3, 2018, a total of 3, 013 youth participated in one of 84 programs across 30 counties. The Majority of the participants felt that the program was helpful or very helpful and they were more prepared for relationships in the future.
Love Notes is Listed on Youth.Gov
Love Notes is one of five Resources for Expectant and Parenting Young families to provide healthy relationship skills for teen mothers and fathers.
Love Notes Reduced Likelihood of Pregnancy by 46%!
According to Principal Investigator, Anita Barbee of the University of Louisville, “Across the first year after the intervention, youth in Love Notes were 46% less likely to become pregnant or impregnate a partner than those in the control condition. We also found that Love Notes reduced risky sexual behaviors of sexual initiation, enhanced the use of condoms and birth control in those who were sexually active, and reduce the number of sexual partners up to 6 months post intervention.”
2017 Revere Awards Finalist
Since 2009, The Dibble Institute® received seven Association of American Publisher Awards:
2009 Relationship Smarts PLUS (first edition)
2010 Healthy Choices, Healthy Relationships (first edition)
2012 Things to Know Before You Say Go Activity Book
2014 Relationship Smarts PLUS (revision)
2015 Healthy Choices, Healthy Relationships (revision)
2016 Love Notes – Relationship Skills for Love, Life, and Work (first edition)
2017 Love Notes – Relationship Skills for Love, Life, and Work v2.1
Love Notes Added to List of Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Based Programs
The list is maintained by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Love Notes is included based on statistically significant decreases in sexual activity, increases in contraceptive use, and avoidance of pregnancy. Love Notes, which shows impact on three outcomes, is only one of six programs on the list to show efficacy in preventing pregnancy.
New Studies Confirm Relationship Skills Education as a Powerful Tool in Preventing Teen Pregnancy
“At last, the strength of empowering young people with the skills and knowledge to navigate their intimate relationships is clear. Getting smart about your love life is not a “would-like,” it is a “must-do” if we are going to help set young people up for success,” Kay Reed, Executive Director of The Dibble Institute® noted.
Women of the PACEs Movement: Janet Pozmantler
Should we teach children skills to prevent abuse and victimization? Janet Pozmantier, M.S., LPC, LMFT, RPT, an award-winning author, curriculum developer, Dibble trainer, and child advocate specializing in primary prevention programming, believes we should. This podcast episode explores the importance of teaching children about their own development and positive discipline techniques that might prepare them to be mentally healthy future parents, and in many cases, not passing on the dysfunctional and/or abusive parenting techniques utilized on them.
Partial Client list
Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grant (2024)
- Able Works (CA)
- Aiming for Healthy Families (MS)
- Bee Busy (TX)
- Better Family Life, Inc. (MO)
- Child & Family Resources, Inc. (AZ)
- Duffy’s Hope, Inc. (DE)
- Family Development Enterprises, Inc. (LA)
- Helping Us Grow Sexually (DC)
- Obria Medical Clinic Lebanon Pregnancy Center (OR)
- PRO Youth and Families (CA)
- Safe Havynn Education Center (LA)
- Seasons of Change (TX)
- Sodus Central School District (NY)
- Strategic Solutions for Families (CA)
- The Academy365 (NJ)
- The Community College Foundation (CA)
- The Georgia Wellness Group (GA)
- The Trinity Church (FL)
Competitive PREP (C-PREP) (2024)
- Bee Busy (TX)
- Community Action Corporation of South Texas (TX)
- Face to Face Enrichment Center (LA)
- OIC of South Florida (FL)
- Planned Parenthood of South, East and North Florida (FL)
- Seasons of Change (TX)
- Tri-State Research & Evaluation Services, LLC (KS)
- University of Texas Health Science Center – San Antonio (TX)
Teen Pregnancy Prevention – Tier 1 (2023)
- Aiming for Healthy Families (MS)
- Baltimore City Health Department (MD)
- Bethany Christian Services (MI)
- Better Family Life, Inc. (MO)
- Boys & Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee (WI)
- Cabarrus Health Alliance (NC)
- Campesinos Sin Fronteras (AZ)
- The Children’s Aid Society (NY)
- Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (OK)
- Delta Health Alliance, Inc.
- Fit Kids of America Corp (FL)
- Foothill Family (CA)
- Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Power & Potential (GA)
- Healthy Futures of Texas (TX)
- Mission West Virginia, Inc. (WV)
- Morehouse School of Medicine (GA)
- Nexos Group, Inc.
- OIC of South Florida (FL)
- Planned Parenthood of South, East and North Florida (FL)
- PRO Youth and Families (CA)
- Teen Hype Youth Development Program (MI)
- Touchstone Health Services (AZ)
- Universidad Central del Caribe
- The University of Texas Health Science Center – Houston
- The University of Texas Health Science Center – San Antonio
- Utah State University Extension (UT)
Sexual Risk Avoidance (2023)
- A Positive Approach to Teen Health – PATH, Inc. (IN)
- Aiming for Healthy Families (MS)
- Ambassadors for Christ (AR)
- Bethany Christian Services (MI)
- Child & Family Resources, Inc. (AZ)
- Community Action Corporation of South Texas (TX)
- Face to Face Enrichment Center (LA)
- Gang Alternative, Inc. (FL)
- Healthy Visions (OH)
- Northern Ohio Recovery Association (OH)
- Obria Medical Clinic Lebanon Pregnancy Center (OR)
- OIC of South Florida (FL)
- PRO Youth and Families (CA)
- Strong Families Strong Wyoming (WY)
- Teen Hype Youth Development Program (MI)
- Texas State University (TX)
- Unity Family Community Center, Inc. (FL)
- Urban Strategies LLC (VA)
- Urban Youth Collaborative (CA)
- WestCare Pacific Islands (NV)
Title V Grant (2023)
- Abundant Life Church (CT)
- Another Choice Another Chance (CA)
- City Church (TN)
- Emmanuel Assembly of God (ME)
- Joy Fellowship Church (RI)
- Restoration Church (NH)
- Revolution Youth Inc. (VT)
- Think Twice Yakima (WA)
- Urban Youth Collaborative (CA)
Competitive Personal Responsibility Education Program (CPREP) Grant (2021)
- Ambassadors for Christ, AR
- Bee Busy, TX
- Centerstone, FL
- Family Service of Roanoke Valley, VA
- Fit Kids of America Corp, FL
- Gang Alternative, FL
- National Alliance for Hispanic Families, TX
- OIC of South Florida, FL
- The Parenting Center, TX
- Seasons of Change, TX
- Social Innovation Laboratory, KS
Competitive Title V Grant (2021)
- Abundant Life Church, CT
- Community College Foundation, CA
- Emmanuel Assembly of God, ME
- Joy Fellowship Church, RI
- Life Choices Yakima, WA
- Revolution Youth, VT
Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grant (2021)
- Aiming for Healthy Families, MS
- Beginning New Outreach, GA
- Better Family Life, MO
- California Youth Partnership, CA
- Change Happens, TX
- Child & Family Resources: Prevention Programs for Youth, AZ
- Family Development Enterprises, Inc., LA
- Family Wellness Outreach Center of Georgia, GA
- Foothill Family, CA
- Gang Alternative, FL
- Healthy Futures of Texas, TX
- Hope Cottage, TX
- Life-Skills, Empowerment, and Development Services, Inc., FL
- New Bethlehem Community Center, GA
- Pima Prevention Partnership, AZ
- Pro Youth and Families, CA
- Restoration Church, NH
- Seasons of Change, TX
- Southern New Jersey Perinatal Cooperative, NJ
- Strategic Solutions for Families, MS
PREIS Grant (2021)
- Trinity Church, FL
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Tier 1 Grant (2021)
State Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP)
Preventing School Violence: BJA’s Stop School Violence Program (2020)
Ready4Life Grant (2020)
- Auburn University, AL
- Bethany Christian Services, MI
- Better Family Life, MO
- Family Resources, Inc., FL
- Hope for Miami, FL
- Mt. Vernon Youth Bureau, NY
- Office of Samoan Affairs, CA
- Public Prep, NY
- Texas State University, TX
- The Parenting Center, TX
- The Trinity Church, FL
- University of Denver, CO
- Youth and Family Services, SD
FRAMEWORKS Grant (2020)
FIRE Grant (2020)
- Child Development Resources, Inc., VA
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Tier 1 Grant (2020)
- Carlos Albizu University; Puerto Rico Optimal System ChAnge (PROSa) for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
- Augusta Partnership for Children, Inc.; Augusta Campaign for Adolescent Responsibility and Equity (CAREs)
- Bethany Christian Services of Michigan; Transforming the Village: Optimal Health, Optimal Future
- Community Action Corporation of South Texas; South Texas Teen Leadership & Development (STTLD) Program
- Illinois Department of Human Services; Illinois Teen Pregnancy Prevention – Changing the Map
- Mission West Virginia; Teaching Health Instead of Nagging Kids
- Morehouse School of Medicine, GA
- OIC of South Florida; OIC of South Florida 2020 Teen Pregnancy Prevention Project
- Oklahoma City County Health Department; Project REACH (Reproductive Education to Achieve Community Health)
- PRO Youth and Families, Inc.; Think, Relate, Understand; Self-efficacy to Thrive Project(TRUST)
- Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Foundation; Connect Spartanburg
- Teen HYPE Youth Development Program; Promise Program
- Touchstone Health Services, AZ
- Trinity Church; Plan Be
- University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; UT Teen Health Optimally Changing the Map in Bexar County
- Utah State University; Flourishing and Strong Teens (FAST)
- YMCA of Greater Louisville; YMCA Healthy Relationships Project – Love Notes Initiative
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Tier 2 Grant (2020)
Sexual Risk Avoidance Grant (2020)
- Change Happens Texas, TX
- Community Action Corporation of South Texas, TX
- Diaspora, NY
- Family Legacy Foundation, IL
- Family Wellness Outreach Center of GA, GA
- Gang Alternative, FL
- Life-Skills, Empowerment, and Development, FL
- Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital, DC
- Mission West Virginia, Inc., WV
- Pee Dee Healthy Start, SC
- Positive Approach to Teen Health – PATH, IN
- PRO Youth and Families, CA
- Seasons of Change, TX
- Strategic Solutions for Families Inc., MS
- Texas State University, TX
- The Trinity Church, FL
- Unity Family Community Center, Inc., FL
- University of Denver, CO
- University of Missouri – St. Louis, MO
- WestCare Pacific Islands, GU
Title V Competitive Grant (2020)
- AbleWorks, CA
- Another Choice Another Chance, CA
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Redlands, CA
- California Youth Partnership, CA
- City Serve, CA
- Compton YouthBuild, CA
- Fish Out of Water Career Development Center, NC
- Grace HealthCare, AS
- Nehemiah Gateway Community Development, DE
- Office of Samoan Affairs, CA
- Shores of Hope, CA
- SPAA Theatre & Performing Arts Center, IL
- Stay Focused Ministries, CA
- Worship Centre Church, CA
- Wyoming Families First, WY
- Young Women on the Move, KS
Charting a Course for Economic Mobility and Responsible Parenting Grant (2020)
- Texas Child Support Division, TX
Teen Pregnancy Prevention (2019)
- Aiming For Healthy Families, Inc., MS
- Bethany Christian Services of Georgia, Inc., GA
- Change Happens, TX
- Community Students Learning Center, MS
- Illinois Department of Human Services, IL
- Keiki O Ka Aina Preschool, Inc., HI
- Life-Skills, Empowerment, and Development Services, Inc., FL
- Mission West Virginia, Inc, WV
- OIC of Broward dba OIC of South Florida, FL
- SR1, MS
- Teen HYPE Youth Development Program, MI
- University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, TX
- Urban League of the Upstate, SC
Office of Adolescent Health – Pregnancy Prevention (2015)
- City of Hartford, CT
- Community Action Corporation of South Texas
- Milwaukee Boys and Girls Club, WI
- Mission West Virginia
- OMNI Youth Services, IL
- OIC of Southern Florida, FL
- Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, CT
- Quest for Change, GA
- The Mary Black Foundation, SC
- Trinity Church, FL
- University of Texas Science Health Center, TX
- Variety Care, OK
Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education (2015-2020)
- Auburn University, Auburn, AL
- Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Rochester, NY
- Central Nassau Guidance and Counseling Services, NY
- Children’s Aid Society, PA
- Children’s Harbor, FL
- Family and Workforce Centers of America, MO
- Family Bridges, IL
- Family Resources Inc., FL
- Illinois State University, IL
- Iowa Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, IA
- More Than Conquerors – MATURE Project, GA
- Strong Families, Strong Wyoming, WY
- Texas State University-San Marcos, TX
- University of Florida, FL
- Volunteer of America-Dakotas, SD
- Youth and Family Services, SD
Responsible Fatherhood (2015-2020)
- Family Resource Center – South Atlantic, NC
- Horizon Outreach, TX
- Ohio Jobs and Family Services, OH
- Pathway Community Action Agency – Toledo, OH
Teen Pregnancy Prevention (2015-2019)
- Mary Black Foundation; Connect
- Mission West Virginia; Teaching Health Instead of Nagging Kids
- South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy; Accelerating Progress—Strengthening Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiatives Among High-Need SC Populations
- Trinity Church: Plan Be
PREP – Teen Pregnancy Prevention
- Alabama Department of Public Health, AL
- Colorado Health Department, CO
- Center for Self Sufficiency, Milwaukee, WI
- Connecticut Department of Children and Families, Hartford, CT
- Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, MD
- Milwaukee Boys and Girls Club, WI
- OIC of Southern Florida, Oakland Park, FL
- University of Georgia, Athens, GA
- University of Utah-Adolescent Services, UT
- Utah Department of Health, UT
Pregnancy Assistance Fund
- Middle Tyger Community Center, SC
- New York State, NY
- Oklahoma State Department of Health; Program Information
- State of Montana, MT
- State of New Mexico, NM
- State of Washington GRADS, WA
- South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, SC
- Wisconsin Department of Instruction, WI
Sexual Risk Avoidance Education
- Aiming for Healthy Families, MS
- Arizona Youth Partnership, AZ
- Bee Busy, TX
- CJH Educational Grant Services, Inc., NC
- Kansas State University, KS
- Life Choices of Yakima, WA
- Mission West Virginia, WV
- OIC of Southern Florida, FL
- Pima Prevention Partnership, AZ
- PRO Youth and Families, CA
- Shores of Hope, CA
- Social Innovation Laboratory, Inc., KS
- SR1, MS
- Teen HYPE Youth Development Program, MI
- Trinity Church – Harlem, NY
- University of Louisville, Kent School of Social Work, KY
- Urban Strategies, DC
- Utah Department of Health, UT
- Volunteers of America Southeast Louisiana, LA
Project H.O.P.E.S. (Project Healthy Outcomes through Prevention and Early Support – Texas Child Welfare)
- Buckner Children and Family Services, Inc., TX
- First 5 – Permian Basin, TX
- North Texas United Way, TX
Teen Pregnancy Prevention – Tier 2 Evaluation
Rape Prevention
- California Department of Health, CA
- DC Department of Health, Rape Prevention Program, DC
- Maryland State Department of Education, MD
- West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information and Services, WV
Re-Entry – Department of Labor
TRIO – Upward Bound
Violence Against Women – Department of Justice
Runaway and Homeless Youth
Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education (2006-2015)
- Anthem Strong Families, TX
- Arizona Youth Partnership, AZ
- Auburn University, AL
- Beech Acres, OH
- Center for Self Sufficiency, WI
- Children’s Aid Society of Pennsylvania, PA
- Community Prevention Partnership, PA
- Family Bridges; Meier Clinics, IL
- Family Resource Center, NC
- First Things First, TN
- Future Foundation, GA
- Healthy Relationships, CA
- Mission West Virginia, WV
- Relationship Skills Center, CA
- Texas State University, TX
- United Migrant Opportunity Service, WI
- Wyoming Healthy Marriage Initiative, WY
Responsible Fatherhood (2011-2015)
Private Funding
Expert Consulting in Youth Relationship Education
- Mathematica: Expert Panel on Identifying Predictors of Sexual Behavior for the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review (TPPER). 2023.
- Mathematica: Expert Panel on Teen Pregnancy Prevention Core Components. 2021.
- Cliexa: Precision Prevention Project Curricula Technical Expert Panel. 2019-2021.
- Public Strategies, Inc.: Self-Regulation Training Approaches and Resources to Improve Staff Capacity for Implementing Healthy Relationship and Marriage Education for Youth (SARHM). 2018 – 2020.
- Public Strategies, Inc: Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Technical Assistance. 2017 – 2019.
- Mathematica: Strengthening Relationship Education and Marriage Services (STREAMS). 2016-2018.
- Institute for American Values: Marriage Opportunity Council. 2015.
- RTI International: Responding to Intimate Violence in Relationship Programs (RIViR). 2014.
- Administration for Children and Families, Office of Family Assistance: TANF Families 2gether Experts. 2014.
- Child Trends: Healthy Marriage – Relationship Education – Models and Measures (M3) 2014.
- Ideas42: Poverty 2014.
- National Human Service Assembly: Breaking the Cycle of Poverty in Young 2013.
- Health and Human Services, Office of Adolescent Health: HHS Second Decade Summit. 2012.
- RAND Corporation: Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages: A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs. 2006.
- Institute for American Values: Marriage Leaders’ 2003.
Organization |
List |
Programs Included |
PEW Charitable Trusts | Results First Clearinghouse Database | Love Notes 3.0, Love Notes Evidence-Based Program, and Relationship Smarts Plus 4.0 |
HHS SAMHSA | National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (Legacy) | Relationship Smarts Plus 4.0 |
Stockton Center for Economic Evidence and Financial Literacy | Financial Education List for Educators | Money Habitudes® |
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | Office of Population Affairs Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program | Love Notes 3.0 |
American Youth Policy Forum | Mind Matters | |
Child Welfare Information Gateway |
Behavioral Health and Wellness Resources for Children and Families |
Love Notes 3.0, Mind Matters |
Youth.Gov |
Evidence-Based Programs for Expectant and Parenting Young Families |
Love Notes 3.0 |
Organization |
List |
Programs Included |
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health | Prevention and Early Intervention Programs and Resources | Love Notes Evidence-Based Program, Mind Matters and Relationship Smarts Plus 4.0 |
Chicago Public Schools | Sex Education Approved Curriculum | Love Notes |
Organization |
List |
Programs Included |
ERIC Institute of Education Sciences | American Journal of Sexuality Education | Mike’s Crush |
Communities in Schools | Evidence-Based Program lists for Affiliates | Love Notes Evidence-Based Program |
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The Dibble Institute® is a national, independent, 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering young people with the skills and knowledge necessary for successful intimate relationships. We serve as a national leader in the field of youth relationship education. The Dibble Institute uses research to develop, publish, and distribute materials that help teens and young adults learn how to navigate their romantic lives.
The Dibble Institute® is an equal opportunity employer.