

WEBINAR: Knot Yet: What Does the Rising Marriage Age Mean for Men, Women, and Families

The age at which men and women marry is now at historic heights—27 for women, and 29 for men—and is still climbing. The age at which women have children is also increasing, but much more slowly, and often before marriage. While this sequencing has long been true for the economically disadvantaged, it is now true for the middle class as well. What are the benefits and costs of this crossover? Presenter: Kelleen Kaye, Senior Director of Research, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy Resources: Knot Yet


WEBINAR: An Introduction to The Dibble Institute: Guiding Teens and Young Adults to Successful Relationships

Did you know that a “dibble” is a garden tool used to plant seeds? No small coincidence that our founder, Charlie Dibble, recognized the need to help youth grow healthy relationship skills. Join the staff of The Dibble Institute as we explore the “inside scoop” on effective tools to help youth develop the skills and knowledge needed for growing satisfying and healthy romantic, family, and work relationships. At the end of this webinar, participants will learn: Who is behind The Dibble name and what is our mission, How The Dibble Institute achieves our mission, and What services The Dibble Institute provides to help you meet your goals for teens and young adults. Presenters: The Staff of The Dibble Institute Resources: Dibble Curricula


WEBINAR: Building Brighter Futures – Relationship Education with Non-Custodial Parents

In today’s world young fathers must co-parent, complete their education, and navigate romantic relationships while supporting their child emotionally and financially. Relationship skills training helps them make wiser choices that enable their goals for education, employment, parenting, and family. Join LA County Child Support Services Department and The Dibble Institute as we discuss how our collaboration in the successful Building Brighter Futures project accomplishes these goals. At the end of this webinar, participants will learn: How love lives impact family formation and how that matters to children. How non-custodial parents can be better parents when their relationships are healthier. How to help non-custodial parents “Build Brighter Futures” through relationship education. Presenters: Kay Reed, Executive Director, The Dibble Institute and Vera Ashley-Potter, Supervising Child Support Officer, Los Angeles County Child Support Services Department Resources: Child Support Logic Model Executive Summary


WEBINAR: Models of Success: Case Studies of Effective Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Grantees

Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood grant applications are forecast to be released in January! Learn from three successful current grantees about how they implement Healthy Relationship Education in their programs. Each uses a Dibble curriculum that meets the unique needs of their target audience. They will share models, stories of impact, and outcomes. Presenters: Deborah Gunn, First Things First, Chattanooga, TN John Lewis, FuturoNow, Southern CA Erin Stone, Relationship Skills Center, Sacramento, CA Resources: January 2015 Webinar PPT


WEBINAR: Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Relationship Education for Juvenile Detention and Re-Entry Programming

Teen parenting, poor refusal skills, early sexual involvement, and family complexity characterize the experiences of many youthful offenders. When teens and young adults are incarcerated, they often return to society still lacking healthy relationship skills necessary for successful family reunification and job retention. Relationship Smarts Plus and Love Notes curricula are about the building of the developmental assets missing in this population. Attendees will hear how a youth detention program is tackling this issue and a re-entry program experienced successful outcomes by addressing relationship skills first and job skills second. Presenters: Marcia White, IMPACT Community Action, Columbus, OH; Re-Entry Program, Relationship Education/Workforce Readiness and Laura Waggle, Perry County Detention Center, OH; Relationship Education in Juvenile Corrections; sponsored thru Forever Dads and the Ohio Office of Jobs and Families Resources: August 2014 Webinar PPT


WEBINAR: The Greatest Gift to a Child: A Healthy Parental Relationship

Social Science research has taught us a great deal about how healthy and stable couple relationships matter to children. High rates of unplanned childbearing among teens and young adults are generating more gender, racial and income inequality plus producing profoundly unequal outcomes for children. Webinar attendees will examine: the impact of the parental relationship on children, the benefits a healthy parental union brings to a child and how educators can guide parents to create and sustain a healthy, parental relationship in today’s culture. Presenter: Dixie Zittlow, Director of Outreach, The Dibble Institute Resources: April 2014 Webinar PPT


WEBINAR: Love Lives Are Not Neutral: Current Findings from the Field

Romantic relationships – we often think of them as purely private – yet they also impact our society at large. Join Kay Reed as she covers current trends and resulting outcomes in family formation, child bearing, cohabitation, marriage, and family connections with special attention to how you can make a difference. Guest Presenter: Kay Reed, Executive Director of The Dibble Institute Resources: Click Here