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WEBINAR: Successful Federal Grant Writing Strategies

Online Webinar

Successful Federal Grant Writing Strategies Join us for our “Successful Federal Grant Writing Strategies” webinar focused on the Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood (HMRF) Ready4Life* youth grant. In this 60-minute session, Aaron Larson, Director of Programs for Dibble and former federal grant reviewer, will share tips and strategies to consider while preparing for this grant. Aaron’s experience includes writing the original healthy marriage grants for the Office of Family Assistance and currently serves as Dibble's key grant applicant contact. We have compiled many resources and tools that we will share during this webinar in anticipation of the official grant release. Objectives: Participants will be able to: Identify three practical strategies to support partner recruitment and retention. Identify and integrate three practical strategies to support youth recruitment and retention. Understand the importance of utilizing incentives and fair compensation for partners and youth to drive successful recruitment/retention. Presenters: Aaron Larson—Director of Programs, The...

WEBINAR: Building Trust Using Strategies for Successful Recruitment and Retention

Online Webinar

Building Trust Using Unique Strategies for Successful Recruitment and Retention Recruiting and retaining youth in youth development programs, specifically in teen pregnancy prevention (TPP) programs, is a multifaceted challenge. Systemic barriers, transportation difficulties, and competing priorities are just a few of the obstacle’s organizations face. At PRO Youth & Families (PRO), trust-building has proven to be a vital foundation for achieving success in both recruitment and retention. In this webinar, PRO will partner with Queens of Eve, a community-based organization, to share actionable strategies and insights from their collaborative work. Together, they will discuss key trust-building practices, such as fostering strong relationships, setting clear boundaries and expectations, actively listening, and adapting to meet the unique needs of youth and partners. Additionally, the session will highlight the role of meaningful youth incentives and partner compensation in promoting program success. Objectives: Participants will be able to: Identify three practical strategies to support...

WEBINAR: Sexual Cyberbullying & Healthy Relationships

Online Webinar

Sexual Cyberbullying & Healthy Relationships Join this webinar to learn about Child Trend’s project Activate: a research-to-practice translation center that creates research-based sexual and reproductive health resources for use by professionals who support young people. They focus on youth who are experiencing the child welfare and/or justice systems, homelessness, and/or disconnection from school and work. The spotlight will be on two Activate research projects focused on healthy relationships and sexual cyberbullying. You will learn the relevant research findings along with two technical assistance tools—Decoding Sexual Cyberbullying (to increase professionals’ capacity and comfort discussing sexual cyberbullying) and Crucial Conversations about Healthy Relationships (to increase professionals’ capacity to support youth to develop healthy romantic relationships). You will also be provided with additional resources related to sexual cyberbullying and healthy relationships. Objectives: Participants will be able to: Learn about Activate's resources focused on sexual cyberbullying and healthy relationships. Learn about Activate's research translation process....