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Violence Prevention Case Studies

Research shows that relationship education is an effective tool as part of the sexual assault violence prevention toolkit.  Relationship education has been used in settings such as corrections, child welfare, schools – both in classrooms and after school programs.

Relationship education teaches the benefits of how to resist sexual coercion, domestic violence, and other risky behaviors while empowering youth with the skills to and knowledge to make healthy decisions, self-regulate and set appropriate goals.

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Violence and Child Abuse Prevention Case Study
Hospital Case Study
Dating Violence Prevention Case Study
4-H Extension Case Study
Violence Prevention Case Study

Curriculum for Violence Prevention

Ages: 14-24
Topics: Knowing Myself, Expectations, Attraction, Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships, Decision-making, Communication, Pressure Situations, Sexual Decision-Making, Unplanned Pregnancy Through the Eyes of a Child.

Ages: 12-16
Topics: Knowing Myself, Expectations, Attraction, Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships, Breaking Up, Decision-making, Communication, Sexual Decision-Making, Pregnancy, STDs and HIV, Technology and Social Media

Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience

Ages: 12+
Topics: Self-Soothing and Regulating Emotions, Managing Stress Effectively, Developing Empathy, Developing a life of intention, and Building and Using a Support System