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FY2025 Funding Opportunities to Promote Healthy Relationships for Youth

FY2025 Funding Opportunities to Promote Healthy Relationships for Youth

Thursday, December 12, 2024
3:30 PM–4:30 PM Eastern  |  12:30 PM–1:30 PM Pacific
Where: Join ZoomGov Meeting


Did you know that the federal government makes grants available to promote healthy relationships for youth?

Attend this webinar to learn more!

Staff from the federal office administering these grants (the Office of Family Assistance) will present on “Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood (HMRF)” programs, which provide funding for teaching youth about how to have healthy relationships today and in the future.

The presentation will discuss the trends in marriage and family over the last century, and how healthy relationship education services are a critical tool to addressing the goals and aspirations of many youth.

Staff will also describe the structure of federal HMRF programming, the magnitude of its services, and the positive outcomes for participants. Finally, the presentation will offer tips on how to prepare to apply for this funding in 2025.

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Note: We are promoting this webinar organized by ACF because it aligns with our mission of promoting and supporting healthy relationship education for young people.