Hospital Case Study
Organization: Arkansas Children’s Hospital
URL: http://www.archildrens.org/
Program Name: Love Notes
Funding: Arkansas Children’s Community Engagement Funding. Love Notes remains funded because teen pregnancy is a continuous need.
Length of Instruction (# of Sessions and Hours per Session): 14 lessons.
Class Size: 25-30
Target Audience: High School Students.
Audience Demographics: 200 students in four schools during 20/21 school year.
What Problem is Being Solved? Love Notes addresses multiple challenges teens face, including pregnancy prevention and dating violence prevention.
Program Setting: They teach in both Health and Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Classes. FCS has Dynamics of Human Relationships class in High School. FCS teachers love it. One teacher takes on lesson and spreads it out over a full week.
Curricula Used: Love Notes 3.0 and Love Notes SRA
Curricula Benefits: Comprehensive and thorough approach to relationship education as well as compelling impact on teen pregnancy rates.
Student Workbooks: All students receive a Love Notes Workbook.
Incentives to Teachers and Students: Teachers get the instructor’s manual and student materials at no charge. They also get free training.
Observable Outcomes: Pre/Post Test. Satisfaction survey with teachers.
Challenges: Fixed budgets do not allow for easy expansion. They are looking at workbook sponsors and small grants to add to their budget.