Below you will find a series of frequently asked questions during the Online Series.
Do I need to register each week?
Yes. You can register for each session on this page. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the link to the session.
How do I register for the entire course?
Follow this link and fill out the “Register” form linked to each week. You must register each week to get a unique link for the meeting.
Is there a Certificate for the series?
A certificate of completion will be available after all 12 lessons in the online series have been recorded. The certificate is not for facilitation training, and may or may not apply for additional points or credit programs for professional development.
Are the sessions recorded?
All sessions will be recorded. You can find each recording as they become available on our Youtube Channel. Check back 1-2 days after the scheduled session to find it posted.
How long will the recordings be available?
The recordings will be publicly posted on our YouTube channel through mid June.
Where can I find the Lesson Handouts?
The handouts are sent in a link from your confirmation email each week after you register for the session. If you are watching a recording, the lesson handouts are grouped with the video on the lesson page. You can access each upcoming registration link and past lesson pages from here:
Can I get the PowerPoint Slides from the session?
Unfortunately, the slides for this session are the teacher PowerPoints for Mind Matters, and are only available with the purchase of the program. To learn more about Mind Matters or make a purchase, follow this link.
I am not receiving confirmation emails for the meetings each week.
Follow this set of steps to ensure you get your confirmation email and unique meeting link for each session:
- Make sure to register for each session separately.
- The email comes directly after registration, so be sure to bookmark or save the email for the date of the session.
- Many confirmation emails from Zoom are directed to Spam folders. Check your spam folder frequently to make sure your confirmation email is not lost.
Are there quizzes for each session?
There are no quiz questions following the sessions. However, each session will begin with a poll to report your practice on the skills learned in the previous week.
Zoom Technical Difficulties
For issues with sound, first make sure that your volume is turned up on your device. You may also need to exit the meeting and re-enter the session. Make sure to select “Computer Audio” when prompted.
For connectivity issues, you may have low bandwidth. Try closing all other internet-based programs on your device or in your home. If possible, plugging directly into the internet modem may help.
How can I see the Instructor's Manual?
You may email for a free 15-day Review Copy of Mind Matters. If you would like to purchase the manual, it is available here. We are also offering a 10% discount on all Mind Matters products through August 31, 2020. Use the promo code MM10 at checkout.
Mind Matters Content
Are there cultural differences in regard to emotions?
Are general memories explicit and core memories implicit?
Explicit memories can be general or part of core memory. Implicit memories can also be part of both.
Who created the Wheel of Awareness?
Dan Siegel, M.D.
How to handle suppressed trauma with students during exercises?
Sometimes, when a student does remember a trauma, we can remind them they are safe, breathe, “name it to tame it,” and knowing is the first step to tame it.
What is SUDS? Where does it come from?
Subjective Units of Discomfort Scale (SUDS) is a scale from 0 to 10 describing the degree of discomfort felt. A “0” on the SUDS scale means a person is completely relaxed. A “10” on the SUDS scale means the person is experiencing the highest degree of discomfort possible.
The SUD Scale level was developed in 1969 by Joseph Wolpe and is used for cognitive-behavioral treatments of anxiety.
How does the empathy exercise work with youth?
Can empathetic listening be shortened so that we do this whenever people need to talk and be heard?
Can Covid-19 fall under toxic stress?
Can you heal an abused brain?
If survival outdoes everything then why does suicidal ideation exist?
As far as ACES, is divorced measured by just the experience or the loss of a parent due to divorce?
Where do I find the meaning of my ACEs score?
Should the short statement to focus on during tapping be about the pain or acceptance? It seems as though the positive “I am ok,” would be better.
The short statement needs to be about the pain. EFT will be ineffective dealing with the positive statement. I know that this is counter-intuitive.
Why don’t the handouts include pressure points at the gamete spot and heart hold?
We continue to improve Mind Matters as we gain more information. The Participant Journal includes the tapping points from the previous author. The new tapping points come from Robin in the video.
Is tapping relative to psycho-somatic behavioral disorder?
You can use tapping to deal with psycho-somatic behavioral disorders. Since tapping works on the Amygdala, it would be effective with those types of problems.
In the video, Robin Bilazarian touched her body, and did not tap. What is best?
There is no best. All methods have equal results. Use the method that you are most comfortable.
How would you handle a person who cannot identify the issue or problem to focus on?
I would take the time necessary to identify the issue. Sometimes I have made suggestions of issues. You can also tap on “Not knowing what it wrong.”
If an infant is crying, would tapping work for the parent to do on the child’s body?
Some people report that tapping is effective with their infant. Parents have reported using it with colic and found it to be effective. I do not have enough experience in this area. I suggest you contact EFT International and ask this question. There are special protocols to use with infants. For example, sometimes parents tap on their own body and not the child’s.
What is “the right” problem?
It needs to be about yourself. It can be a thought, emotion or memory that causes distress. A thought or emotion which is a source of discomfort or distress.
Does tapping work for chronic pain?
It depends. For many people tapping helps with chronic pain. It does not help everyone.
What is the name of the movie Carolyn recommended?
“Brittany Runs a Marathon.”
Where can I find the XBX workout program?
You can find the original for the pamphlet here: