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LN SRA WB cover 2018_ES
Notas de Amor 3.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA) – Diario del participante (paquete de 10) (español)

Read Product Description in English.

Habilidades de relación para el amor, la vida y el trabajo

Edades: 14-24 años
Escrito Por: Marline E. Pearson, MA

Visite la descripción general del programa Notas de Amor 3.0, Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA), para obtener más información sobre el programa, incluido un resumen del curso, lecciones de muestra, investigaciones y evaluaciones, etc. These Journals are also available in English.

Una opción menos costosa es utilizar los nuevos diarios Notas de Amor 4.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA). Casi todo el contenido es el mismo, pero los números de página han cambiado para correlacionarse con la nueva edición de Love Notes. Le proporcionaremos un cuadro para que pueda utilizar los nuevos diarios con su antiguo manual del instructor. Comuníquese con para obtener más detalles y ver una copia de revisión digital.

Debido a que los libros antiguos se imprimen bajo demanda, la entrega tardará entre 2 y 3 semanas.

Notas de Amor 3.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA) – Diario del participante (paquete de 10) (español) incluye:

  • 10 diarios del participante por unidad

Para revisar la tabla de contenidos, haga clic aquí.


Love Notes 3.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA) Participant Journals (Pack of 10) (Spanish)

Relationship Skills for Love, Life, and Work

14-24 years
By: Marline Pearson, MA

For more information on Love Notes 3.0 SRA, including a course outline, sample lesson, research and evaluations, and more, please visit the Love Notes 3.0 SRA program overview page. These Journals are also available in English.

A less expensive option is to use the new Love Notes SRA Journals.  Almost all of the content is the same but the page numbers have changed to correlate with the new Love Notes edition. We will provide you with a chart so you can use the new journals with your old instructor manual. Please contact for more details and to see a digital review copy.

Because the old workbooks are printed on-demand it will take 2-3 weeks for delivery.

Love Notes 3.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA) – Participant Journals (Pack of 10) includes:

  • 10 Participant Journals

To review the Table of Contents, click here.

arkansas children
Hospital Case Study

Goal: Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Funding: Hospital Community Engagement Program
Setting: High School, FCS Classrooms
Curriculum: Love Notes 3.0 and Love Notes SRA

Spanish - Colors
Perfil de Personalidad de Colores Primarios (Español) – Licencia Digital

Read Product Description in English.

Se trata de un pedido especial. Llame al 1-800-695-7975 o envíe un correo electrónico a

Edades: 14-24 años
Escrito por: Dawn Billings

Conjunto de clasificadores de personalidad para usar con el programa Notas de Amor. Also available in English.

Perfil de Personalidad de Colores Primarios (Español) – Licencia Digital incluye:

  • Cantidades modificables de libros de trabajo rellenables para estudiantes, versión PDF en español


Primary Colors Personality Profile – Digital License (Spanish)

This is a special order. Please call 1-800-695-7975 or email

14-24 years
By: Dawn Billings

Set of personality sorters for use with Love Notes. Also available in English.

Primary Colors Personality Profile (Spanish) – Digital License includes:

  • Modifiable quantities of fillable PDF workbooks for students in Spanish
Primary Colors Personality Profile – Digital License

This is a special order. Please call 1-800-695-7975 or email

14-24 years
By: Dawn Billings

Set of personality sorters for use with Love Notes 3.0 Classic. Also available in Spanish.

Primary Colors Personality Profile – Digital License includes:

  • Modifiable quantities of fillable PDF workbooks for students
family resources
Workforce Development Case Study

Goal: Develop leadership and employability skills
Funding: Office of Family Assistance
Setting: Job Corp Leadership Class
Curriculum: Love Notes and Money Habitudes

Runaway and Homeless Youth CS
Runaway and Homeless Youth Case Study

Goal: Gain knowledge about healthy relationships
Funding: Runaway Homeless Youth + The Children Trust
Setting: Alternative high schools, community college, homeless shelter
Curriculum: Love Notes

Independent Living CS
Independent Living

Goal: Increase knowledge of healthy relationships
Funding: Independent Living Program
Setting: Youth shelter
Curriculum: Love Notes

fatherhood cs
Fatherhood Case Study

Goal: Increase father child connection
Funding: Responsible Fatherhood grant, OFA
Setting: Reentry rehab centers, community centers, churches
Curriculum: Love Notes

responsible fatherhood
Responsible Fatherhood

Goal: Increase father involvement and connections to workforce
Funding: Responsible Fatherhood grant, OFA
Setting: Community centers, libraries, churches
Curriculum: Love Notes

Racine unified school district edited
Parenting Students

Goal: Learn importance of healthy relationships and value of planning for children
Funding: PAF and INSPIIRE grant
Setting: High school classroom for pregnant and parenting teens
Curriculum: Love Notes

TPP Juvenile Justice Center CS
TPP Charter School

Goal: Implement effective goal setting skills for education and relationships
Funding: Personal Responsibility Education Program
Setting: Pregnant and parenting teens health class
Curriculum: Love Notes

TPP Juvenile Justice Center CS
Juvenile Justice Center

Goal: Improve Relationship skills
Funding: Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP)
Setting: Juvenile Justice Center
Curriculum: Love Notes

TPP Juvenile Justice Center CS
Utah Charter School

Goal: Implement effective goal setting skills for education and relationships
Funding: Personal Responsibility Education Program
Setting: Charter school classroom for teen moms
Curriculum: Love Notes

Health Class Using PREP Funding

Goal: Reduce Teen Pregnancy, STI’s, and Abortion rates
Funding: County Dept of Human Services and PREP
Setting: Alternative High School health class
Curriculum: Love Notes