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WEBINAR: Centering Youth Voice Using Peer Facilitators in Relationship Education to Engage and Empower Youth

Centering Youth Voice Using Peer Facilitators in Relationship Education to Engage and Empower Youth Join Kelley Luckett and Daiya Thompson of the Louisville YMCA as they discuss lessons learned over the last two years of implementing Love Notes in Teen Vibe Camps using peer facilitators. Teen Vibe Camps, offer a transformative blend of summer camp nostalgia and comprehensive curriculum sessions. Through activities like podcasting, music, and social media graphics, these camps foster a sense of community and belonging. Statistical evidence showcases significant shifts in positive identity markers among attendees, particularly among LGBTQ+ youth, who form trusted adult connections and show higher program engagement. Complementing this approach is an innovative Peer Facilitator model, which introduces youth as Love Notes facilitators. Peer facilitators excel in building trust, fostering community, and encouraging participation outscoring adult facilitators in quality observation scores. Through a dual-track system involving collaboration with local high schools and self-selection from…

Georgia State PREP Case Study

Goal: To diminish occurrences of pregnancy, HIV, and STIs among high-risk youth aged 10 to 19 (up to 21 for those who are pregnant and/or parenting) in Georgia
Funding: State of Georgia PREP Funding
Setting: Public High School Setting
Curriculum: Love Notes 4.0

Notas de Amor 3.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA) – Kit del instructor

Read Product Description in English.

Habilidades de relación para el amor, la vida y el trabajo

Duración del programa: 13 lecciones
Edades: 14-24 años
Escrito por: Marline Pearson, MA

Las relaciones poco saludables, la violencia en las citas y los comportamientos sexuales de riesgo son una seria amenaza para el bienestar y el futuro de muchos jóvenes, así como para sus hijos. Notas de Amor SRA aborda estos problemas desarrollando habilidades y conocimientos para tener éxito en las relaciones de todo tipo: románticas, de amistad, familiares, escolares y laborales. Durante las 13 lecciones, los jóvenes exploran en profundidad los beneficios de aplazar las relaciones sexuales para alcanzar metas futuras hacia un matrimonio y una familia sanos y exitosos, si estos forman parte de su futuro deseado. Also available in English.

Visite la descripción general del programa Notas de Amor 3.0, Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA), para obtener más información sobre el programa, incluido un resumen del curso, lecciones de muestra, investigaciones y evaluaciones, etc.

El kit del instructor de Notas de Amor 3.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA) incluye:

  • Manual del instructor
  • Diario del participante
  • Folletos reproducibles
  • Perfil de personalidad de colores primarios
  • Power Points descargables de la lección

Para revisar la tabla de contenidos, haga clic aquí.


Love Notes 3.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA) – Instructor Kit (Spanish)

Relationship Skills for Love, Life, and Work

Program Length: 
13 lessons
Ages: 14-24 years
By: Marline Pearson, MA

Unhealthy relationships, dating violence, and risky sexual behaviors are a serious threat to the well-being and futures of many youths, as well as to their children. Love Notes SRA addresses these issues by building skills and knowledge for successful relationships of all kinds: romantic, friendship, family, school, and work. In 13 lessons, young people deeply explore the benefits of sexual delay for achieving future goals toward a healthy and successful marriage and family, if these are part of their desired future. Also available in English.

For more information on Love Notes 3.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation, including a course outline, sample lesson, research and evaluations, and more, please visit the Love Notes 3.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance (SRA) program overview.

Love Notes 3.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA) -Instructor’s Kit  includes:

  • Instructor’s Manual
  • Participant Journal
  • Reproducible Handouts
  • Primary Colors – Personality Profile
  • Downloadable Lesson Power Points

To review the Table of Contents, click here.

Notas de Amor 4.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA) – Diario de Licencia Digital (Español)

Read Product Description in English.

Se trata de un pedido especial. Llame al 1-800-695-7975 o envíe un correo electrónico a Hay una cantidad mínima de compra de 10.

Habilidades de relación para el amor, la vida y el trabajo

Edades: 14-24 años
Escrito Por: Marline E. Pearson, MA

Visite la descripción general del programa Notas de Amor 4.0, Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA), para obtener más información sobre el programa, incluido un resumen del curso, lecciones de muestra, investigaciones y evaluaciones, etc. This digital license journal is also available in English.

Notas de Amor 4.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA) – Diario de licencia digital (español) incluye:

  • Cantidades modificables de libros de trabajo rellenables para estudiantes, versión PDF (idioma español)

Para revisar la tabla de contenidos, haga clic aquí.


Love Notes 4.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA) – Digital License Journal (Spanish)

This is a special order. Please call 1-800-695-7975 or email There is a minimum purchase quantity of 10.

Relationship Skills for Love, Life, and Work

Ages: 14-24 years
By: Marline E. Pearson, MA

For more information on Love Notes 4.0 SRA, including a course outline, sample lesson, research and evaluations, and more, please visit the Love Notes 4.0 SRA program overview. This digital license journal is also available in English.

Love Notes 4.0 Love Notes 4.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA)– Digital License Journal (English) includes:

  • Modifiable quantities of fillable PDF workbooks for students

To review the Table Of Contents, click here.

Notas de Amor 4.0 Clásico – Diario de Licencia Digital (Español)

Read Product Description in English.

Se trata de un pedido especial. Llame al 1-800-695-7975 o envíe un correo electrónico a Hay una cantidad mínima de compra de 10.

Habilidades de relación para el amor, la vida y el trabajo

Edades: 14-24 años
Escrito Por: Marline E. Pearson, MA

Visite la descripción general del programa Notas de Amor 4.0 para obtener más información sobre el programa, incluido un resumen del curso, lecciones de muestra, investigaciones y evaluaciones, etc. This digital license journal is also available in English.

Notas de Amor 4.0 Clásico – Diario de Licencia Digital (Español) incluye:

  • Cantidades modificables de libros de trabajo rellenables para estudiantes, versión PDF (idioma español)

Para revisar la tabla de contenidos, haga clic aquí.


Love Notes 4.0 Classic – Digital License Journal (Spanish)

This item is a special order. Please call 1-800-695-7975 or email There is a minimum purchase quantity of 10.

Relationship Skills for Love, Life, and Work

Ages: 14-24 years
By: Marline E. Pearson, MA

For more information on Love Notes 4.0 , including a course outline, sample lesson, research and evaluations, and more, please visit the Love Notes 4.0  program overview. This digital license student journal is also available in English.

Love Notes 4.0 – Digital License Journal (Spanish) includes:

  • Modifiable quantities of fillable PDF workbooks for students

To review the Table Of Content, click here.

RQ3SRA IM Spanish Cover
Relaciones Inteligentes Plus 4.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA) – Kit del instructor

Read Product Description in English.

Se trata de un pedido especial. Llame al 1-800-695-7975 o envíe un correo electrónico a

13 lecciones para adolescentes sobre el amor y el romance

Edades: 12-16 años
Escrito Por: Marline E. Pearson, MA
Duración del programa: 13 lecciones

Relaciones Inteligentes Plus 4.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA) ofrece 13 lecciones con conceptos como atracción y enamoramiento, elementos básicos para relaciones saludables, estrategias de citas de bajo riesgo, medición de la salud de las relaciones, la naturaleza de la verdadera intimidad y ruptura. El programa también ofrece un enfoque único para la prevención del embarazo al crear conciencia sobre su impacto en los niños. Also available in English.

Visite la descripción general del programa Relaciones Inteligentes Plus 4.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA), para obtener más información sobre el programa, incluido un resumen del curso, lecciones de muestra, investigaciones y evaluaciones, etc.

Relaciones Inteligentes Plus 4.0 Adaptación para evitar riesgos sexuales (SRA) – Kit del instructor incluye:

  • Manual del instructor
  • Libro de trabajo del participante
  • Folletos reproducibles
  • Recursos de actividades reproducibles
  • Power Points de lecciones descargables
  • Tarjetas de juego listas para usar

Para revisar la tabla de contenidos, haga clic aquí.


Relationship Smarts PLUS 4.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA) – Instructor Kit (Spanish)

This is a special order item. To Order, call 1-800-695-7975 or email

13 Lessons for Teens About Love and Romance

Marline Pearson, MA
Length: 13 lessons
Ages: 12-16 years

Relationship Smarts Plus SRA, an adaptation of the evidence-based Relationship Smarts Plus 4.0 Classic, appeals to teenager’s aspirations and is geared for vulnerable teens to help young teens resist sexual coercion, assert their intentions, and develop plans for their future. The curriculum has a strong and consistent message on sexual delay and emphasizes the Success Sequence to reduce the chance of future poverty. Also available in English.

For more information on Relationship Smarts Plus 4.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA), including a course outline, sample lesson, research and evaluations, and more, please visit the Relationship Smarts Plus 4.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA) program overview.

Relationship Smarts Plus 4.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA) – Instructor’s Kit includes:

  • Instructor’s Manual
  • Participant Journal
  • Reproducible Handouts
  • Reproducible Activity Resources
  • Downloadable Lesson Power Points
  • Ready-to-Use Game Cards

To review the Table of Contents, click here.

Journal LN 4.0 spanish cover
Notas de Amor 4.0 Clásico – Diario del Participante (Paquete de 10) (Español)

Read Product description in English.

Habilidades de relación para el amor, la vida y el trabajo

Edades: 14-24 años
Escrito por: Marline E. Pearson, MA

Visite la descripción general del programa Notas de Amor 4.0 Clásico para obtener más información sobre el programa, incluido un resumen del curso, lecciones de muestra, investigaciones y evaluaciones, etc. These journals are also available in English.

 Notas de Amor 4.0 Clásico – Diario del Participante (Paquete de 10) (Español) incluye:

  • 10 diarios del participante por unidad

Descuentos disponibles para cantidades al por mayor. Consulte la tabla siguiente.

Cantidad Precio
2 – 9 Paquetes $140 cada uno
10 – 99 Paquetes $135 cada uno
100+ Paquetes $120 cada uno


Para revisar la tabla de contenidos, haga clic aquí.


Love Notes 4.0 Classic – Participant Journal (pack of 10) (Spanish)

Relationship Skills for Love, Life, and Work

Ages: 14-24 years
By: Marline E. Pearson, MA

For more information on Love Notes 4.0 Classic, including a course outline, sample lesson, research and evaluations, and more, please visit the Love Notes 4.0 program overview. These journals are also available in English.

Love Notes 4.0 Classic Participant Journal (Pack of  10) (Spanish) includes:

  • 10 Participant Journals/per unit

Bulk discounts are available. See the table below for pricing.

Quantity Bulk Price
2 – 9 Packs $140 each
10 – 99 Packs $135 each
100+ Packs $120 each


To review the Table Of Contents, click here.

WEBINAR: Young People’s Experiences and Thoughts on Relationships Today: A conversation with Marline Pearson

Young People’s Experiences and Thoughts on Relationships Today: A conversation with Marline Pearson Many of us wonder about young people’s current lived experience and aspirations regarding their relationships. For instance: Do adolescents still date? Do they still hope for a long-term committed partner or spouse? How are young people thinking about their intimate relationships? How are they visualizing their current or future families? Join Love Notes author and noted thought leader, Marline Pearson, as she shares her experiences and reflections that come from teaching thousands of young people at Madison College, a two-year technical and community college as well as younger teens through STEM and Gateway programs. She will also share the different messages she gives young people from teens to late twenties about how best to approach relationships during those years. Note: This is a conversational format. Please come prepared with questions to ask Marline. Objectives: Participants will be…