Search Results "love u"

family resources
Workforce Development Case Study

Goal: Develop leadership and employability skills
Funding: Office of Family Assistance
Setting: Job Corp Leadership Class
Curriculum: Love Notes and Money Habitudes

Runaway and Homeless Youth CS
Runaway and Homeless Youth Case Study

Goal: Gain knowledge about healthy relationships
Funding: Runaway Homeless Youth + The Children Trust
Setting: Alternative high schools, community college, homeless shelter
Curriculum: Love Notes

Independent Living CS
Independent Living

Goal: Increase knowledge of healthy relationships
Funding: Independent Living Program
Setting: Youth shelter
Curriculum: Love Notes

fatherhood cs
Fatherhood Case Study

Goal: Increase father child connection
Funding: Responsible Fatherhood grant, OFA
Setting: Reentry rehab centers, community centers, churches
Curriculum: Love Notes

responsible fatherhood
Responsible Fatherhood

Goal: Increase father involvement and connections to workforce
Funding: Responsible Fatherhood grant, OFA
Setting: Community centers, libraries, churches
Curriculum: Love Notes

WEBINAR: “Meet Them Where They Are” Building Protective Factors for the Future

Hear how three agencies that use different funding streams utilize relationship education to meet youth where they are in order to help them to prepare for healthy lives and futures. These organizations use Dibble’s programs to build protective factors so the youth can communicate effectively in jobs, set safe boundaries in relationships, make healthy decisions about their love lives. These agencies serve young people in schools, transitional living homes, and community-based settings. Attendees will: Understand the needs of vulnerable youth Demonstrate how relationship education meets vulnerable youth where they are Learn about best practices used in diverse settings Presenters Panel: Mina Koplin – Salt Lake County, SLC, UT (SLC) – TLP Funded Emily Spruill – Advocates for Children/Flowering Branch, Cartersville, GA – ILP through VOCA funding Reta Johnson – Family Center, Little Rock, AR – PREP Funded Resources: September 2019 Webinar PPT

WEBINAR: Rural Vs. Urban Youth: Are They Really That Different?

When educating youth, one must be aware of their uniqueness as it relates to a variety of demographics, including the community where they are living. If youth cannot take the information you are providing and use it in their daily lives and in their community, then all of the education is for nothing. The evidence-based Love Notes Sexual Risk Avoidance Education(SRAE) curriculum is being used successfully in two SRAE programs that serve high-risk youth in very different communities – one in rural West Virginia and the other in New York City. In this webinar, we will discuss how, while these youth may seem like they are worlds apart, we have found that their response to this curriculum and relationship experiences are not all that different. Presenters:  Torri Childs, MA, Field Research Associate who has worked with AMTC and Associates since 2008. Crystal Agnew, Deputy Director of Trinity Church, Peacmeakers Family Center Melissa…

WEBINAR: The Power of Relationship Education for Student Success

Marline Pearson, author of Love Notes and Relationship Smarts PLUS, will make the case why a 4thR is needed for increasing student success. Learn why relationship education must be a central tool to help young people reach their school, work, and family goals by increasing their agency over their love lives. She will cover recent research and share evidence-based solutions to the pressing problems that face today’s youth. Attendees will: Identify at least 2 key reasons why relationship education is key to helping students succeed. Describe current trends that could be reversed by teaching relationship education. Identify 2 evidence based strategies that could be implemented to help students succeed. Presenter: Marline E. Pearson, M.A., Author, Love Notes and Relationship Smarts PLUS. Resources: February 2019 Webinar PPT

WEBINAR: Implementing Erin’s Law Through Relationship Education

Years of research show that robust healthy relationship education can pull many levers in a young person’s life. One sphere it can impact is child sexual abuse prevention. Erin’s Law, passed in 35 states, requires that all public schools implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program.The Mary Black Foundation in South Carolina has used Love Notes to help classrooms meet that requirement. Learn from Anita Barbee, Ph.D. from the University of Louisville, the research underpinnings that make Love Notes such an effective sexual abuse prevention intervention. Then hear from Polly Edwards-Padgett how the Mary Black Foundation selected Love Notes, gained access to the schools, their implementation approach, including funding, and how you can explore doing the same in your state. Objectives: Identify how Love Notes helps in the prevention of sexual abuse. Exam Erin’s Law to see how it has expanded the opportunities for Sexual Abuse Prevention education in the classroom. Hear…

SPECIAL WEBINAR: 2018 TPP Funding Opportunity – An Opportunity for Relationship Education

Looking for new ways to fund your relationship education work? Take a look at the new Teen Pregnancy Prevention funding opportunities with Aaron Larson, Dibble’s Director of Programs and former staff at the Department of Health and Human Services. He will go over the basics of applying for federal funding plus he will also take a look at the Sexual Risk Avoidance (SRA) and Sexual Risk Reduction (SRR) adaptations of Love Notes (found to be one of the most effective teen pregnancy prevention programs) and Relationship Smarts PLUS. Both programs are currently being successfully used for teen pregnancy prevention in federally funded Sexual Risk Avoidance Education grants. Presenter: Aaron Larson, Director of Programs, The Dibble Institute

WEBINAR: Working Together: Developing & Implementing a Sustainable Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program

In October 2016, Dr. Michelle Toews and her colleagues at Kansas State University received a grant to develop, implement, and evaluate the #RELATIONSHIPGOALS program, a sexual risk avoidance education intervention with seventh- and ninth-grade students from a local school district. The goal of program is to empower youth to make healthy decisions by teaching them the benefits associated with self-regulation, healthy relationships and goal setting, while also teaching them how to resist sexual coercion, dating violence and other risky behaviors. The curriculum used in the intervention is Relationship Smarts PLUS, Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation. Preliminary results suggest the program is reaching its goal. Specifically, students report that they love the program and share that one of the most important things they learn is how to identify healthy and unhealthy relationships. They also say the program teaches them skills they need to develop healthy relationships, particularly effective communication skills, which they…

WEBINAR: Empowering Disconnected Youth: The Protective Factors of Healthy Relationship Education

Relationships, whether sound or not, are central to the lives of disconnected youth. When at-risk youth learn healthy relationship skills they discover how to make beneficial decisions about their lives, their romantic relationships, and their family connections. We will identify risk factors that foster youth and runaway, homeless youth experience and how healthy relationship education offers protective factors that empower them to make healthier choices for their futures. At the conclusion of this webinar, attendees will: Identify the risk factors that disconnected youth experience and the protective factors that healthy relationship education offers them. Learn how healthy relationship education increases social and emotional well-being as well as decision making for youth. Discover how the evidence-based curriculum Love Notes is being used to improve outcomes for at-risk, homeless youth. Presenter: Dixie Zittlow, Director of Outreach l The Dibble Institute Resources: April 2017 Webinar PPT

WEBINAR: 2016 Highlights in Youth Relationship Education: Trends, Tools, Research, and More!

Join The Dibble Institute’s staff as they share their high-points from last year in the field of youth relationship education. Topics include: Research that relationship education is a potent new tool for pregnancy prevention, Robust relationship education as part of the sexual violence prevention toolkit, New settings for relationship education including corrections, child welfare, and dating violence prevention, New evidence that porn threatens the capacity to build intimacy, and Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) through relationship education. Presenters: The Dibble Institute Staff Resources: Love Notes ACES Poster Love Notes Issue Brief Soft Skills That Foster Workforce Success Teens Technology and Romantic Relationships

Racine unified school district edited
Parenting Students

Goal: Learn importance of healthy relationships and value of planning for children
Funding: PAF and INSPIIRE grant
Setting: High school classroom for pregnant and parenting teens
Curriculum: Love Notes

TPP Juvenile Justice Center CS
TPP Charter School

Goal: Implement effective goal setting skills for education and relationships
Funding: Personal Responsibility Education Program
Setting: Pregnant and parenting teens health class
Curriculum: Love Notes

TPP Juvenile Justice Center CS
Juvenile Justice Center

Goal: Improve Relationship skills
Funding: Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP)
Setting: Juvenile Justice Center
Curriculum: Love Notes

TPP Juvenile Justice Center CS
Utah Charter School

Goal: Implement effective goal setting skills for education and relationships
Funding: Personal Responsibility Education Program
Setting: Charter school classroom for teen moms
Curriculum: Love Notes