Second Wednesday Webinars
The Dibble Institute® offers a monthly FREE webinar on various topics related to healthy relationships for teens and young adults.
Successful Federal Grant Writing Strategies
Join us for our “Successful Federal Grant Writing Strategies” webinar focused on the Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood (HMRF) Ready4Life* youth grant.
In this 60-minute session, Aaron Larson, Director of Programs for Dibble and former federal grant reviewer, will share tips and strategies to consider while preparing for this grant.
Aaron’s experience includes writing the original healthy marriage grants for the Office of Family Assistance and currently serves as Dibble’s key grant applicant contact.
We have compiled many resources and tools that we will share during this webinar in anticipation of the official grant release.
Objectives: Participants will be able to:
- Identify three practical strategies to support partner recruitment and retention.
- Identify and integrate three practical strategies to support youth recruitment and retention.
- Understand the importance of utilizing incentives and fair compensation for partners and youth to drive successful recruitment/retention.
- Aaron Larson—Director of Programs, The Dibble Institute®
Who should attend: Any organization or non-profit that is eligible to apply for and would like to receive this grant funding. Grant writers who are responsible for preparing and submitting grant proposals. Program managers or anyone interested in learning more about federal grant writing strategies.
“*” We have no special knowledge about the release of the HMRF grants beyond what is on the federal websites.
Webinar Archive
- January 2024: The State of Youth Relationship Education Today
- February 2024: Young People’s Experiences and Thoughts on Relationships Today: A conversation with Marline Pearson
- March 2024: The Power of Relationship Education from a Policy Perspective
- April 2024: “But you know I’m just like you, right?” Exploring Adolescent Dating and Disability
- May 2024: Centering Youth Voice Using Peer Facilitators in Relationship Education to Engage and Empower Youth
- SPECIAL WEBINAR: Emerging Relationships: Preparing for Healthy Relationships
- June 2024: Solutions of Success: Using Mind Matters in Juvenile Justice
- July 2024: Making Relationship Programs More Inclusive For LGBTQ+ Youth: Findings From the FRAMING Research Project
- August 2024: Results From a Recent Investigation of Love Notes
- September 2024: Lopsided Love: Asymmetrical Commitment in Romantic Relationships
- October 2024: Mind Matters: Implementing with Diverse Audiences in New Mexico
- November 2024: Innovative Uses of Mind Matters to Promote Youth & Family Well-Being
- January: Love Notes: A Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program that Actually Prevents Teen Pregnancy
- SPECIAL WEBINAR: Completely Updated! Love Notes 4.0 and Relationship Smarts PLUS 5.0
- February: Implementing Love Notes with Peer Facilitators to Increase Youth Voice and Engagement
- March: Premarital Cohabitation: Timing, Engagement, and Marital Outcomes
- April: The Power of the Success Sequence for Young Adults
- May: Building a Strong Foundation for Continuous Quality Improvement
- June: Teen Parenthood Matters: Lets Talk About Prevention
- August: Strengthening Facilitation Skills: A Training Curriculum for Programs Working with Youth
- September: Experiences Of Peer Educators Teaching Relationship Education to College Students
- October: Three Years Later: The Impact of Relationship Smarts Plus on Youth in Georgia
- November: Capture and Motivate: Reigniting Youth Collaborations and Engagement
- November: How Do Gender-Based Groups Impact Program Outcomes?
- October: Understanding the Effects of Healthy Relationship Programs for Youth
- September: Programming for Pregnant and Parenting Teens in Delaware
- August: Stretching Grant Dollars and Expanding Reach: “Teachers as Facilitators” of Healthy Relationship Programming
- July: Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience: Theories and Practices that Work!
- June: The Success Sequence: New Research Findings
- SPECIAL WEBINAR: Start Your Engines! Getting Ready for Grants in 2023
- May: Relationship Churning: Recognizing and Understanding On-Again/Off-Again Relationships
- April: Adolescents, Attachment & ACEs Science
- March: Strengthening Social-Emotional Wellbeing for Youth in Care
- February: Adolescent and Young Adults’ Relationship Expectations and Experiences
- January: Sliding vs. Deciding: Commitment, Ambiguity, and Relationship Formation
- December: Introducing Me & My Emotions: Supporting Teens’ Mental Wellness
- October: The Impact of Mind Matters: Preliminary Evidence of Effectiveness in a Community-Based Sample
- September: Piloting Mind Matters with Hispanic Youth during COVID-19
- August: Targeting Teens in Arkansas: Building Better Relationships
- Special Webinar: Accessing ESSER Funds to Address SEL and Mental Health Supports
- July: Using Mindfulness Skills to Reduce Risk Factors in Sexual Health
- June: Youth Relationship Education Research & Practice Priorities. Highlights from the Marriage Strengthening Research and Dissemination Center
- May: Co-Regulation Strategies: Practical Tools for Program Staff to Foster Youth Self-Regulation
- April: Using a Strategic Learning Agenda to Drive Action and Program Success
- March: Scenario Tools to Thrive in a Post-Pandemic Future
- February: Preventing Dating Violence By Helping Students Choose Healthy Relationships and Build Social/Emotional Skills
- January: Does Marriage Still Matter? A Current Perspective
November 2020: Relationship Education: A Trauma-Informed Approach for Youth
October 2020 SPECIAL: Ongoing Funding for Relationship Education: Creative Sustainability Planning
October 2020: Continuous Evidence Building through Small Tests of Change
August 2020: Online Teaching Strategies: Tips and Guidance From the Field
July 2020: Mind Matters Lesson 1: Self Soothing
June 2020: Fatherhood: Building Self-Sufficient and Resilient Families
May 2020: Scaling Up a Large Program in Rural Areas
March 2020: The Impact of Mind Matters: Results from the University of Louisville’s Pilot Study
February 2020: Exploring Social Poverty: Low-Income Populations and the Impact of Community Ties
January 2020: Project Rise: Bringing Relationship Education to Hispanic Youth
November 2019: Foundations: How to Build & Sustain the Communication Pipeline with Young Adults
October 2019: One-on-One: A New Approach for Teaching Mind Matters in Individual Settings
September 2019: “Meet Them Where They Are” Building Protective Factors for the Future
July 2019: “Chambers of the Heart” Building and Maintaining Trust and Relationships
June 2019: What Do You Mean? Unblurring the Lines between Consent, Assault, & So Much More
May 2019: Friends and Crushes–The Effects of Friends on Romantic Relationships
April 2019: Tips for Teaching Relationship Education in High Schools: Lessons from the Field
March 2019: Rural Vs. Urban Youth: Are They Really That Different?
February 2019: The Power of Relationship Education for Student Success
January 2019: What Do We Really Know About “The Cycle of Violence?”
November 2018: Implementing Erin’s Law Through Relationship Education
October 2018: Self-Regulation Skills to Support Healthy Relationships for Youth
August 2018: Completely Updated! Love Notes and Relationship Smarts PLUS
July 2018: Adverse Childhood Experiences: Implications for Policymakers and Practitioners
June 2018: Effectively Addressing Trauma in Healthy Relationship Education
May 2018: Teen Sexting, Cyberbullying, and Adolescent Relationships
Special Webinar: 2018 TPP Funding Opportunity – An Opportunity for Relationship Education
February 2018: Daddy Don’t Go: Dismantling the “Deadbeat Dad” Stereotype
January 2018: The Success Sequence: Marriage, Kids, and the ‘Success Sequence’ Among Young Adults
November 2017: Shifting the Field to Prioritize Relationship Education for Youth
September 2017: Improving Young People’s Outcome through Harm Reduction and Resiliency Work
July 2017: Practical Methods for Implementing Love Notes with Risk-Immersed Youth
June 2017: Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience
April 2017: Empowering Disconnected Youth: The Protective Factors of Healthy Relationship Education
January 2017: 2016 Highlights in Youth Relationship Education: Trends, Tools, Research, and More!
November 2016: Teens and Pornography: The Latest Research and Resources
October 2016: Why “Love Notes” Works as a Relationship-Based Pregnancy Prevention Program
September 2016: Teens-Technology and Social Media Impacts on Healthy Relationship Development
July 2016: Best Practices for Serving Youth in Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Programs
June 2016: Age of Opportunity: Lessons from the New Science of Adolescence
April 2016: Introducing At-Risk Youth to Relationship Skills for Love Life, and Work
March 2016: Effectively Addressing Trauma in Healthy Relationship Education
March 2016: Special Webinar – Love Notes for OAH Grantees
February 2016: Love & the Movies! Dibble’s Free Movie Discussion Guides
January 2016: Generation Unbound: Drifting into Sex and Parenthood without Marriage
November 2015: Knot Yet: What Does the Rising Marriage Age Mean for Men, Women, and Families
September 2015: Healthy Relationship Education with Disconnected Youth
July 2015: Building Brighter Futures – Relationship Education with Non-Custodial Parents
June 2015: Connecting the Dots: Healthy Romantic Relationships in Adolescents’ Lives
May 2015: Introduction to a Trauma Informed Approach in Relationship Education
April 2015: Relationship Education Outreach in 4-H and Extension Programs
February 2015: Ten Ways for Teens to Improve Their Chances for a Great Romance
November 2014: Dibble Goes Digital! Our Most Popular Teaching Tools are Online
September 2014: Teens, Technology, and Social Media: Impacts on Healthy Relationship Development
July 2014: Beyond the Feds – Proven Fundraising Strategies for Healthy Relationship Programs
June 2014: “Doing the Best I Can”: Fatherhood in the Inner City
May 2014: Money Habitudes 2 – for At-Risk Youth: What Money Means, and Why it Matters
April 2014: The Greatest Gift to a Child: A Healthy Parental Relationship
February 2014: I’m In Love! Understanding and Handling Fabulous Love Chemicals
January 2014: Building Relationship Skills with Young Adults in Community-Based Programs
October 2013: The Power of the Love Story: Empowering Teens Through Literature
September 2013: Essential Lessons Learned in Dating: Teaching the Stages of Relationships
August 2013: Managing Conflict: Addressing the Four Communication Danger Signs
July 2013: Why Teens Hook-Up: Relationship Skills to Today’s Teens
June 2013: Love Lives Are Not Neutral: Current Findings from the Field
April 2013: Integrating Relationship Education into Health Classes
March 2013: Love is in the Air! Preparing Students for Safe Proms and Spring Breaks
February 2013: Can’t Buy Me Love: How to be Rich in Life and Love
January 2013: The Dibble Institute: A Resource for Guiding Youth to Successful Relationships